Whats a DIM and a TRV? It's just that I have never heard of one that's all 
The aim of the DIM is to provide a capability to a major national incident, involving actual or potential chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) or hazardous materials (Hazmat). The roll-out will increase FRS capability, improve firefighter safety and enhance the service provided to the public.
The Target Response Vehicle [TRV] has been introduced to give a more flexible approach to dealing with small secondary fires in urban areas as well as giving the service the ability to deal with rural fires. The vehicle has been developed to deal with the issue of small fires/F1 type incidents that have been identified as a major contributor to our overall fire statistics. It will deliver against the needs of the IRMP in a safe, efficient and environmentally friendly way thus helping to reduce the Serivce's carbon footprint
[ note : when I posted this, my browser decided to bump me a-few pages back and made it look like this comment wasn't replied to yet, but I still find that it might be helpful if this is out on this page, as only a slight response was given to the person asking ]