Looks great!

Posted 23 June 2014 - 03:33 PM
Posted 28 June 2014 - 03:58 PM
Guys i´m sorry but the for personal and technical problems I going to release the mod (with new map and uptades) at end of the year. I hope you can understand me. Sorry. I promise you I going to released
Posted 28 June 2014 - 04:34 PM
Ok, no problem. Good luck!
Posted 29 June 2014 - 09:33 PM
These thinks take time man good luck.
Whats up!
Posted 30 June 2014 - 07:59 PM
These thinks take time man good luck.
You are the man of these mod man If you need something let me know ! I'm having problems to upload the mod so I going to wait to my new computer there I think it will be in september
Posted 25 July 2014 - 01:10 AM
Hi guys an update, I take the map of manchester mod and I change some buildings and also put the unit of boston mod, the BMA looks very good and the stations has more units so I going to show you pictures. I hope you are okay !
Posted 27 July 2014 - 11:44 PM
Hospital on fire with rescue helicopter and ambulance 3 involved. EMT's down, Firefighter Down! Mayday !
On Scene:
Rescue 1
Rescue 2
District 8
Tower Ladder 3
Engine 4
Engine 52
Engine 51
Engine 24
Engine 8
Engine 42
Ladder 17
Ladder 15
Engine 33
Attached Files
Posted 28 July 2014 - 12:04 AM
Loving the helicopter crash event great work!
Private Projects & Contributions
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You can watch gameplay of my projects here on my YouTube Channel
Posted 28 July 2014 - 10:20 AM
Posted 28 July 2014 - 11:59 AM
Oh really? Hahaha oh well it still looks cool
Private Projects & Contributions
-Blues & Twos Mod-
-Tri-County Mod-
-Fairfax County Mod-
You can watch gameplay of my projects here on my YouTube Channel
Posted 28 July 2014 - 02:25 PM
Hahaha don´t worry guys, Ho of you can help to create new incidents like
BeastyBill88 said. Helicopter crashing, you know all that, The mod need a new touch
Posted 15 August 2014 - 11:50 AM
Looking great, keep up the good work!
Posted 05 October 2014 - 11:50 AM
Any idea when will released?
Posted 05 October 2014 - 07:23 PM
Any idea when will released?
No, no, no... That question does not get asked on here.
Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
Posted 04 June 2015 - 01:23 AM
Hi guys do you want this mod ???
Posted 04 June 2015 - 03:22 AM
Posted 04 June 2015 - 07:56 AM
Ok that is enough with the Boston Mod there is to many being made it is ridicules. Basically your using my work with others models on a different map. The Boston guys are doing one too. It makes more cents if everybody put there heads together to make one good Boston Mod and not ten different versions. Me being from Boston and doing the Boston Mod, started with J.Greenes work and I made a more advanced one but none of the maps look like Boston just some of the vehicle re-skins and personal. So in closing contact the Boston guys I am done with it maybe you guys can make good one good luck.
Whats up!
Posted 04 June 2015 - 08:06 AM
Ok that is enough with the Boston Mod there is to many being made it is ridicules. Basically your using my work with others models on a different map. The Boston guys are doing one too. It makes more cents if everybody put there heads together to make one good Boston Mod and not ten different versions. Me being from Boston and doing the Boston Mod, started with J.Greenes work and I made a more advanced one but none of the maps look like Boston just some of the vehicle re-skins and personal. So in closing contact the Boston guys I am done with it maybe you guys can make good one good luck.
I have to agree with you on this one.
Posted 04 June 2015 - 03:05 PM
No worries your not offending me but it just residuals to have several different Boston Mods. Contact the Boston guys they are taking up the lead on the Boston Mod, I am done good luck. I am looking forward to seeing the finished project in the far future.
Whats up!
Posted 05 June 2015 - 01:25 AM
I have to agree with Flnn, there are alot of different version out of a Boston mod. You have Flnns one, both of the Boston Mod Guys versions and this one aswell. Its getting confusing lol.
Private Projects & Contributions
-Blues & Twos Mod-
-Tri-County Mod-
-Fairfax County Mod-
You can watch gameplay of my projects here on my YouTube Channel