Hello all,
I would just like to give a little news to our fans,
The mod is coming along very nicely, I have only a couple of units left to finish then they are all done in 1.0
Most of the work is now on the map. Now I wish to go into more details about the map...
For the start of 1.0 we will try and include as many new buildings and objects as we can but it's a hell of a task for me to do
being the only main modeller. so for 1.0 some of the buildings will be like place-holders (Em4 buildings) until I get around to modelling the
actual UK style building. So as each version goes on more and more of the buildings will be made my myself until it's all eventually done by me
and more or less no Em4 buildings. Hopefully this will give more of an insight for what's to come with the mod and it's future buildings 
In the meantime keep checking the topic for more news
All the best,