
[WIP] THE RED WATCH aka RCMP mod (in SLOW progress)
Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:08 PM
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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:14 PM
I worry about saying that, remember when we though EM5 would be out around Christmas time 2013? Things may change and EM5 might get cancelled you never know. It just seems to me that the release of EM5 is a unreliable benchmark.
Also Supporting: RCMP mod, Stillwater mod, Lampard mod, Ravenna sub-mod, Rockport mod.
State & National Park enthusiast can help modders in park related issues.
My statements in no way respect the views of any agency I am or was formerly associated with.
Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:21 PM
Everyone calm down! EM5 is scheduled to be out in Q4 2014...
However, keep in mind guys, EM5 Will be a different game engine. The only thing I could think that could port over would be models. Remember. You would have to redo ALL of your lights, your map, your scripts etc. To me its stupid to wait and I say you guys go through with what you are now with EM4 and do not wait. I have my own plans for EM5 but Im still working with EM4 while I can. Even if you have to, you can release the mod on the LA Map or something of the sorts. In my opinion its kind of a ridiculous thought to wait EM5.. Just keep those notes in mind. You will have to do about 80% of the mod over.
Posted 27 March 2014 - 01:47 AM
I think that could be the biggest mistake I've seen on this topic. You guys have spent three years or so working on this mod, for EM4, and now you want to wait till EM5 comes out to finish it? You'll never get done this mod if you do that....
Like F1? How about manager games? I know you like manager games... join me here!
Posted 27 March 2014 - 04:49 AM
Everyone calm down! EM5 is scheduled to be out in Q4 2014...
However, keep in mind guys, EM5 Will be a different game engine. The only thing I could think that could port over would be models. Remember. You would have to redo ALL of your lights, your map, your scripts etc. To me its stupid to wait and I say you guys go through with what you are now with EM4 and do not wait. I have my own plans for EM5 but Im still working with EM4 while I can. Even if you have to, you can release the mod on the LA Map or something of the sorts. In my opinion its kind of a ridiculous thought to wait EM5.. Just keep those notes in mind. You will have to do about 80% of the mod over.
I have seen a game that is in Beta testing and was slated to come out same year get cancelled out right. There is nothing that says a game is going to come out until it hits the shelves. That's one of the reasons why I do not believe developers until it hits the shelves.
Former Fire Fighter (2006-2011)
Squamish Fire Resuce
Hall one Company 41 (on call 24-7)
Posted 27 March 2014 - 01:34 PM
Posted 27 March 2014 - 05:12 PM
sadly we all have to wait but the wait will be worth it i'm sure of it
Posted 27 March 2014 - 10:31 PM
yes it will after they figure out how to get the kinks out and make it work it will be a very good mod good luck!
Whats up!
Posted 27 March 2014 - 11:43 PM
Okay, let me make some clarification as i appeared to have upset a few people ...
We have not stopped any production for Emergency 4, we're still working in the same full capacity as we always had before. It will definitely come out for Em4, and hoping, before when Emergency 5 comes out.
However, should we find ourselves still working on the mod after Emergency 5 comes out, and should it hold friendlier modding features and capabilities, i think we would shift our some of our goals towards Emergency 5 to create a new big bang like the Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah ? ....
Regardless, i uttered some words that should not have been said in the first place without having any concrete validation to confirm such postponement. My Apologies.
Posted 27 March 2014 - 11:43 PM
EDIT: Reply while writing, everything's ok
Posted 28 March 2014 - 02:49 PM
High doubts EM5 will come out before this awesome mod.
Posted 05 April 2014 - 11:36 PM
How's the LA lightings coming along?
I'm still working on the back of the fire truck then CFD will get it.
Posted 05 April 2014 - 11:53 PM
Posted 23 April 2014 - 06:11 PM
very nice Mod. Can i Test the WIP? Skype: jonas.mac1 THX

Posted 23 April 2014 - 06:26 PM
Posted 23 April 2014 - 07:44 PM
very nice Mod. Can i Test the WIP? Skype: jonas.mac1 THX
I think for beta testers, like most mods, and regular games, the creators are looking for people with scripting knowledge, knowledge of the overall process, ie modding, etc. and decent systems. Not amazing, just the required specs. That way they can see if it will run on the regular system at a decent rate.
IE you won't appoint at tester who doesn't know what a script is, how to use it, read it or change it, and you won't get someone in that doesn't know how to fix problems. You also wouldn't get someonone with the top of the line computer. Becuase that one runs everything. The goal is to figure out the benchmark.
I test for a mod, and I run my modest computer, with the regular user specs, and aside from scripting problems and what not, I also have to make sure I can have a full roll out without HUGE amounts of lag.
For those of you who are wondering, testing is not fun, it sucks. You get a basic version, that you spend about 3 hours doing every stupid thing, with every stupid command and tool, and then anything that doesn't work flawless, you have to record, and start picking through to figure out why. Or at least how. It's not like "oooh new game, I get to play!" it's like "new game, it's broken, how do I fix it?" Testing isn't a glorious game
- Newfoundking likes this
Posted 23 April 2014 - 07:59 PM
Posted 24 April 2014 - 02:11 PM
Yes you should have a few people conduct the Beta test with mod experience. Just from seeing the awesome light work it is safe to say it will not work on your average computer with intel. You most defiantly need a good graphics card and system with at lest 4 or more gigs of ram.
A script person is always a plus so they can identify problems with the game. Problem solving is a big part of it, like Rafael said anyone could test a beta version but you need people who can solve the problems. I tried to be a beta tester but was not very good at it. I was able to identify some problems but not fix them.
Whats up!