LA Mod 2.1 4x4 Submod[Update August 10,2015!]
Posted 26 June 2010 - 09:02 AM
Thats the Foam Tender/Water Tender. It says Foam Tender for the folder name, yet Water Tender in the unit XML. Never really understood it myself. None the less if you do not have a folder called 130watertender in the units folder, place it in there and try to dispatch it now.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
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Posted 26 June 2010 - 12:33 PM
Take your time. The only problem that really irritates me is that I can't use my tiller without it exploding.I apologize for being so slow on getting the patch out for personnel to remain in the vehicles at the fire stations, I have just been hard at work on the w00ds map submod.

I will ALWAYS the place mission first
I will NEVER accept defeat-I will NEVER quit
I will NEVER leave a fallen comrade

Posted 26 June 2010 - 05:52 PM
I now have patch 1 up. Patch 1 fixes the spraying hydrants and dead birds on the ground for users who do not have EM4 Deluxe. To install simply find the LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod folder and place the freeplay.e4m file inside the maps folder.
Hopefully some one can fix the SWR and LRA parking issues. Assuming nothing else is missing, then that should be the only changes in patch 2.
Down the line I will probably release another path, patch 3 assuming everything goes smoothly in the mean time, that will likley add some new events to the map; new car wrecks, more water rescues, and little things like that.
Future plans: updating w00ds map v1, w00ds map v2, and Hoppahs original deluxe map which will be available for the first time for those of you who do not have EM4 Deluxe!
in patch 3 the large ambulance will not allow strecher personel into the amublance either with or without a casualty on the strecher
Posted 26 June 2010 - 06:12 PM
in patch 3 the large ambulance will not allow strecher personel into the amublance either with or without a casualty on the strecher
Its no longer a RA (Rescue Ambulance) Its now a rescue truck... Like a medium sized USAR Rig...
Posted 26 June 2010 - 08:32 PM
in patch 3 the large ambulance will not allow strecher personel into the amublance either with or without a casualty on the strecher
Please, there is a read me file included for a reason. Check this first please, before reporting bugs.
Oh and Swatlord, yes hopefully Hoppah is kind enough to lend a quick hand and tell me how to fix it but hes rarely online these days. I have been waiting since Monday for a reply so hopefully he can be kind enough to reply over the weekend.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 26 June 2010 - 11:34 PM
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 27 June 2010 - 12:09 AM
I still have that too... And the birds. I do NOT own deluxe and have the most current game.Use fraps for screen shots please. I assume you have EM4 Deluxe? This is a freeplay event. I did not add this. Hoppah did. Listen to the dispatcher and he tells you to send an engineer to fix the hydrant. It is not coming out of the ground.

I will ALWAYS the place mission first
I will NEVER accept defeat-I will NEVER quit
I will NEVER leave a fallen comrade

Posted 27 June 2010 - 01:13 AM
I still have that too... And the birds. I do NOT own deluxe and have the most current game.
I am sick of repeating this. If you cant be specific(Birds? Where?) then dont bother reporting bugs because there's usually not a damn thing i can do with out some amount of detail. I believe these are fixed now, but not 100% sure because of the lack of details.
Patch 4 will be on the main post in about 5 min or so.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 27 June 2010 - 09:34 AM
Posted 27 June 2010 - 11:45 AM
Its no longer a RA (Rescue Ambulance) Its now a rescue truck... Like a medium sized USAR Rig...
whatever it is it wont let anybody into it that has a strecher with personel or no personel
Posted 27 June 2010 - 11:50 AM
Update your video card drivers, if that doesnt work, post a logfile and dxdiag.I have downloaded patch 4 but when a want to play Freeplay the game shots down himself.
(sorry for my bat English)
Its not an ambulance; it doesnt transport patients. Why is that so hard to understand? It is like a USAR or HES. Its a Rescue Truck. It carries tools. It carries Fire Personnel. It does not transport injured people. Does the USAR carry patients? No. Does a HES carry patients? No. Because there rescue trucks.whatever it is it wont let anybody into it that has a strecher with personel or no personel
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 27 June 2010 - 01:48 PM
BUG: When got a bad person in the back of the unmarked cruisers, then you tell it to go to base it start to patrolling. You have to send it HQ to clear the eventPossible bug: When I have unmarked cruisers patrolling, they cannot be called by EMS supervisor BN chief, or any other unit, EVEN if they are the closest unit. Same goes with the units parked at the Port Police and Sheriff's. I have to put them on standby manually to make it work.
Posted 27 June 2010 - 01:50 PM
Use fraps for screen shots please. I assume you have EM4 Deluxe? This is a freeplay event. I did not add this. Hoppah did. Listen to the dispatcher and he tells you to send an engineer to fix the hydrant. It is not coming out of the ground.
NO, I don't have the deluxe one. I 911 First Responders normal. I like to have something new like a broken hydrants. I have send out engineer (in the white van) out to try to fix it. The fix icon do not work on hydrant. Any Ideas?
Posted 27 June 2010 - 02:00 PM
in patch 3 the large ambulance will not allow strecher personel into the amublance either with or without a casualty on the strecher
Notice that unable to get a stretcher out of large ambulance or put one in.
Wehn large amabulance and Boat truck unable to geting there parking space and makes a back up and fire house for unit return to the fire house.
Posted 27 June 2010 - 04:32 PM
I think that 'cos you (like me) have the 911 First Responders and this event is from EM4 Deluxe it's not included in 911:FR and that's why it's impossible to fix it by engineer. These events may occur in normal EM4 Deluxe freeplay without any modifications, but no in 911:FR.NO, I don't have the deluxe one. I 911 First Responders normal. I like to have something new like a broken hydrants. I have send out engineer (in the white van) out to try to fix it. The fix icon do not work on hydrant. Any Ideas?
Posted 27 June 2010 - 08:49 PM
BUG: Can you see the EDIT button? USE IT.BUG: When got a bad person in the back of the unmarked cruisers, then you tell it to go to base it start to patrolling. You have to send it HQ to clear the event
Serious note, strange, it works just fine for me. Will double check.
READ. Please put your brain to use and read before you reply. I already released patch 4 to fix this.NO, I don't have the deluxe one. I 911 First Responders normal. I like to have something new like a broken hydrants. I have send out engineer (in the white van) out to try to fix it. The fix icon do not work on hydrant. Any Ideas?
No stretcher: READ. Quit running around like a retard with your head cut off. The LRA and SWR truck issue is already noted.Notice that unable to get a stretcher out of large ambulance or put one in.
Wehn large amabulance and Boat truck unable to geting there parking space and makes a back up and fire house for unit return to the fire house.
1) Thank you captain obvious. I already explained this.I think that 'cos you (like me) have the 911 First Responders and this event is from EM4 Deluxe it's not included in 911:FR and that's why it's impossible to fix it by engineer. These events may occur in normal EM4 Deluxe freeplay without any modifications, but no in 911:FR.
2) I already explained this is fixed in patch 4.
So lets get back to more important issues then spamming up the thread shall we?
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 28 June 2010 - 02:48 AM
I also get the crash to desktop also on Freeplay after installing patch4. I have privately sent you my dxdiag info and I am running the latest drivers.
One thing I notice is that the loading time for freeplay seems to take longer, it finishes then in the move to go from the loading to the game it stays on black and crashes.
Hope that helps.
Posted 28 June 2010 - 02:55 AM
I have privately sent you my dxdiag info
It's amazing people want help but don;t even bother to read:
Please DO NOT pm me asking for help! Post your questions on the forums for the fastest response.
If you cant read that, what makes me think your going to be able to read a fix if i post one?
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!