In California ALS (advanced life support) units run one paramedic and one EMT. BLS (basic life support) is two EMTs.

LA Mod 2.1 4x4 Submod[Update August 10,2015!]
Posted 19 March 2014 - 05:00 PM
Posted 19 March 2014 - 05:34 PM
In California ALS (advanced life support) units run one paramedic and one EMT. BLS (basic life support) is two EMTs.
Perhapes but in Los Angles city, which the mod is based on. Runs
2 Fighter/paramedics.
You can find that info Here
Rescue Ambulances numbered 1-112, as well as those in the 200 Series are considered ALS Rescue Ambulances, as they are staffed by Firefighter/Paramedics.
and Here
The backbone of the LAFD EMS system are the 130 Rescue Ambulances assigned to fire stations throughout the city. Split into two categories, the Paramedic or ALS (Advanced Life Support) Rescue Ambulance is staffed by two Firefighter/Paramedics and is able to transport a single patient on a Ferno 28Z PROFlexx gurney chair/cot or the PROFlexx Model 93-PST “heavy lift gurney.”
Do you have any sources for your statement?
Posted 19 March 2014 - 05:48 PM
Maybe I misunderstood the topic - if you're talking about the FD specifically - then yes, your ambulance will have 2 paramedics/firefighters on a 911 call. If you dial 911 and you get a county response from a company like AMR or Paramedics Plus, that ALS unit will be staffed with one paramedic and one EMT. Sources? I'm an EMT in the state of California working within the EMS system. I can't link that.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 07:41 PM
Maybe I misunderstood the topic - if you're talking about the FD specifically - then yes, your ambulance will have 2 paramedics/firefighters on a 911 call. If you dial 911 and you get a county response from a company like AMR or Paramedics Plus, that ALS unit will be staffed with one paramedic and one EMT. Sources? I'm an EMT in the state of California working within the EMS system. I can't link that.
Curious: Would AMR or LAFD cover the port district for medical calls? Guessing LAFD since they handle fires in the area to my knowledge. However, I think the policy your referring to may be AMR nationwide. Maybe not, but I know that locally AMR typically runs ALS rigs with one Medic/one EMT and we are a city of about 120,000 vs 4 Million in LA.
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Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
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Posted 19 March 2014 - 08:00 PM
Yes, I thought I said that. AMR or whoever has the 911 contract runs ALS with one paramedic and 1 EMT. We have AMR in one county and the next county north is Rural Metro - both run the medic/emt combo.
My quote button isn't working, but in the second post in this thread there are screenshots of additional stations etc - where do you get those? Second question is that Xplorer mentioned to stand by for something big...or something like that. Was this new patch the big thing? Thanks.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 08:06 PM
Yes, I thought I said that. AMR or whoever has the 911 contract runs ALS with one paramedic and 1 EMT. We have AMR in one county and the next county north is Rural Metro - both run the medic/emt combo.
My quote button isn't working, but in the second post in this thread there are screenshots of additional stations etc - where do you get those? Second question is that Xplorer mentioned to stand by for something big...or something like that. Was this new patch the big thing? Thanks.
My impression was that the AMR(I missed the part about Paramedics Plus) was this was California only and did not reflect AMR has a whole.
Re: Stations: They are in this mod.The buildings them selves are in the original LA Mod as well.
Re: Something Big - Noooo far from it. At this point I am pretty much just doing bug fixes but at this point it seems like things are pretty stable as I am not hearing any bug reports at this point. You should see news on "something big" coming in the next few days.
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Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
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Posted 19 March 2014 - 08:16 PM
Yeah I only have contact with AMR in California. I don't work in the 911 system. I do BLS transport mostly. We run a 2 EMT rig and mostly do nursing facility to hospital and back. We are on the 911 overflow, but we've only gotten called in once.
I think you are correct that FD would respond to a medical emergency at the port with a contracted AMR type company rolling only if there were multiple patients.
Big news = cool. Thanks.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 08:50 PM
Thanks for the info.
Also, I am using a friends paypal account if any one decides they want to make a donation.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 19 March 2014 - 08:51 PM
Yes, I thought I said that. AMR or whoever has the 911 contract runs ALS with one paramedic and 1 EMT. We have AMR in one county and the next county north is Rural Metro - both run the medic/emt combo.
My quote button isn't working, but in the second post in this thread there are screenshots of additional stations etc - where do you get those? Second question is that Xplorer mentioned to stand by for something big...or something like that. Was this new patch the big thing? Thanks.
That likely because a La County Paramedic squad would be responding as well. That would place 3 paramedic on site.
LAFD transports patients themselves.
Posted 22 March 2014 - 09:56 PM
When I downloaded it, it downloaded as a notepad and when i extract it all it is is numbers. It says its an em4mod file but what do I do with it? Any help would be greatly apreciated thank you.
Posted 22 March 2014 - 11:07 PM
Download Mod/Install Instructions
Released: March 13 2014
Los Angeles Mod v2.0.12 4x4.e4mod -
1. The file is hosted on and shortened by After clicking this link, you must wait 5 seconds before being redirecting to the download page. 2. Once on this page, you will see two Grey buttons and two Blue buttons, click the second Grey button about the middle of the page! DO NOT CLICK THE TOP ONE!
2. This RAR file contains an e4mod file which includes patches 1-11 applied already. You need to use Winrar, or my personal favorite ExtractNow, to extract the RAR file.
3. Simply double click the e4mod file to install.
4. All done!
Did you follow the directions EXACTLY?
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 23 March 2014 - 02:05 AM
Yes sir. I used winzip im not sure if that could be the problem. I am downloading winrar right now to see if that fixes it. Thanks for idea buddy.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 03:25 AM
Same thing. When I try to open it wih winrar it shows as a notepad document with a bunch of words..
Posted 23 March 2014 - 03:55 AM
You are extracting the rar file first, then clicking the e4mod file right?
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
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Posted 23 March 2014 - 03:14 PM
Yes it shows up in the winrar menu as a notepad.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 08:37 PM
If you have the e4mod file extracted, find the mod installer and simply choose install package and choose the e4mod file.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 24 March 2014 - 02:54 AM
Thanks for the info.
Also, I am using a friends paypal account if any one decides they want to make a donation.
Donation sent! Least I can do for all your hard work. This always has been my favorite submod.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:49 AM
THANK YOU! Goes a long way to help me out right now! Arthritis in 2 shoulders, bulging disc in my back, a screwed up neck, and 2 bad knees(lacking cartridge in one) makes it hard to work a normal job and the little government aid I get is not much so it is greatly greatly appreciated!
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 24 March 2014 - 08:22 PM
Would you like a hug?
No, I'd like to not go through hell every single day.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
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