LA Mod 2.1 4x4 Submod[Update August 10,2015!]
Posted 15 December 2011 - 05:11 PM
Posted 18 December 2011 - 05:41 AM
I am not opening my PM box, but drop NFK a PM. I assume he should be able to see the email addy I registered with, and I give him permission to release that email addy to you. I will check it out and get back to you. I imagine the answer will be yes, but I just like to see things for myself first to make sure.And something for Xplorer4x4 himself:
I've editted the 4x4 mod for personal use.
I know it's kinda "illegal" to spread submods out without permission of the original maker.
So by this I'm asking the permission of releasing my edit for public.
Come one Unit42, as long as you have been here, and you still don;t know how to read the read me file or first post?Can patients be put in the LRA because I have that problem or does the ambulance fix it?
You don't. If I changed one map, I would have to change the scripts to and that would have broken things or atleast made them function but not as designed. For example engines may park backwards, and so forth.Hi how are you all?
I was wondering if anyone can help me? I have installed the la mod 4x4 and I can only play the new map wether I do free play on the original or delux map, how do I change this as I prefer the old maps?
Thanks for your time!
Mod installer.Hi I would like to say this mod sounds GREAT! and I can't wait to install it, how ever I am a slow learner when it comes to EM4/LA MOD things. SO do I install this on its own or with the original mod installed?
And yes I left the mod scene for a few reasons. 1. I had idiots pming me asking me for help instead of asking here or making a separate topic. 2. I had idiots pming me and asking me how to download my other mod even though it says WIP. 3. I had recruited some great modelers to help me out as this was the one thing I could not do myself. Sadly they gave feeding me bullshit telling me, "almost done" or "should be done next (insert day of the week)" or some other excuse. I understand things come up but after being given excuse after excuse after excuse, I finally had it. I would love to get back in to it, but with out the help of a dedicated modeler, there was no way to finish the project in a way that embodied what I had envisioned to bring little hints of realism to the mod and up dating certain models like the tiller to reflect there newer real life counter parts.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.
Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE
If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!
Posted 04 January 2012 - 05:57 PM
Here you can see the ALS and BLS LED Fire Engines in FS1.
Here you can see the available units that are now stationed and staffed at FS1.
Here is the new ALS Engine, the Tower Ladder which spawns in place of the Hazmat truck(Hazmat may be stationed at FS1 in the future), Battalion Chief 2(may be reskined to show Batallion2 text in the future), EMS Supervisor Dodge Charger, and LED Brush Truck.
Here you get a look at the LASD Station which has parking for three units.
Next we have the LAPP(LA Port Police) Station. It has room for three LAPP Squad cars and prisioners can be dropped off here by LAPP Squad cars
The three parking spaces from infront of the LAPD Station were moved in back. Prisoners now enter the door between the Charger and Crown Vic.
You can see there is room for 3 SWAT Trucks, you can have any combination of SWAT Trucks you want parked here. You could have 3 WAT SUVs, 3 Bearcats, 3 Bears, or 1 of each. Any combination! Also shown are the LAPD SWAT Heavy Rescue and ATF NRU. The NRU now has bomb squad personnel and robot on bored. Also the LAPD Bomb Squad(the big black one resembling the SWAT Heavy Rescue but has a slightly different roof, can be parked in either of those spots as well. In the future I may actually spawn a SWAT SUV, NRU and SWAT Heavy Rescue Truck here, but I will not spawn any sort of patrol cars here.
How many cars can the LAPD station hold?
S55 Lieutenant
Posted 15 January 2012 - 03:47 PM
You said about not PM you, so Im posting this. I would like for your permission to use your submod to help in my mod. I plan to release my submod in the future, and would like your permission to do so having your submod mixed in.
Thank You.
*Real women love cops, the rest marry firefighters*
Posted 15 January 2012 - 05:34 PM
Former Fire Fighter (2006-2011)
Squamish Fire Resuce
Hall one Company 41 (on call 24-7)
Posted 15 January 2012 - 05:57 PM
Like who? Thanks for letting me know!Your a tad late there pal. As far as I know he no longer comes to the fourms any longer. Someone that is friends with him might be able to help you out though.
*Real women love cops, the rest marry firefighters*
Posted 03 February 2012 - 01:21 AM
-Sorry if it's been adressed, i couldn't find anything in the topic on it

Posted 03 February 2012 - 01:45 AM
mine does but what i would do is uninstall the mod than install it again cause mine works fineOn the smaller fire station the lev does not have the option of returning to the station(no icon). Any way I can fix this?
-Sorry if it's been adressed, i couldn't find anything in the topic on it
Original Meriden Ct Mod Leader
Posted 29 February 2012 - 04:55 AM
Posted 21 March 2012 - 08:10 PM
Posted 30 March 2012 - 12:43 AM
Will their be a patch so w00ds map V1.3 will work with the submod?
This Mod will only work with the current map. His vehicles and map have custom scripts.
Posted 28 May 2012 - 12:35 AM
Thank you.
Posted 28 May 2012 - 01:14 AM
I hope this is the correct place for this. I am wondering if it is possible to change a file to spawn a Engine 2 (BLS one) at station 2 at the start of the game. Or if it is easier somehow make the fire engine go to the station when I tell it to (it always says that there is not enough room (not sure why because I had already sent Engine 17 to HQ. Please let me know if you need any more info or if you know how to go about doing this.
Thank you.
This kind of question is probably answered in the Alterations tab, its ok that you asked though, your new and may need help around this crazy forums.
Volunteer Fire Fighter for the Cure
Posted 28 May 2012 - 03:32 AM
This kind of question is probably answered in the Alterations tab, its ok that you asked though, your new and may need help around this crazy forums.
Thank you for leading me to the right place. I found out how to place the new engine into the station and change the staffing to my liking but I am having trouble figuring out how to make the new engine that I put in go back to the station. Not sure if you or anyone knows how to change this but if you do it would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 28 May 2012 - 04:16 PM
Posted 30 May 2012 - 07:38 PM
Posted 03 June 2012 - 06:27 PM
Posted 03 June 2012 - 11:54 PM
Download Mod:
Los Angeles Mod v2.0.8 4x4.e4mod - 218MB - This RAR file contains an installer/e4mod file which contains each and every file. This method does not require any patching, or copy and pasting. It has patches 1-8 applied already. You must use Winrar, or my personal favorite ExtractNow, to extract the RAR file. Then you simply double click the e4mod file to install.
Download Patch Files:Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 Patch 9 by YSB.rar 620.94K 4437 downloads
Instruction how to install the patch is located HERE ...
Posted 07 June 2012 - 02:43 AM
Here are the files and video.
Unable to upload video it takes to long.