@First Responder, theres an easy fix for that if your interested. You wont have a problem with that next submod.

Now hear me out on this.....
You say it like im going to yell at you. I have absolutely no/none/zilch problem with feedback positive or negative, so long as its constructive. If it were, "this submod sucks," then I wouldnt be to happy, but if it were "Sorry but this submod sucks because, this that, and the other," cool. Im fine with that. Cant please everyone all the time.
I would prefer to staff the rescues with firefighters rather than the USAR. You can send the rescue to a fire and have the personnel inside pak up for interior work. You can't do that with the USAR. I know all i need is to change a few scripts in order for that to happen, but it's something to think about when you're making your units.
Also, since I use rescue 7 like that. I'm certainly looking forward to a parking fix for it.
Very easy fix for that. Well work around is more like it. It will park correctly, only problem is staff do not exit the unit. Now some people prefer that option anyways so for some it wont make a difference. I might put up a fixed script later. I just dont want to put a patch out yet because I have a numbering system in place for the versions and it looks like there were more bugs then I realized at the time of release so I have had to put out more patches then I intended. As stable as things are id prefer to have more bugs to fix before releasing an official patch.