Miami Modification [WIP NOW!]
Geschrieben 26 Oktober 2015 - 08:01
Can't wait for release
Geschrieben 26 Oktober 2015 - 08:22
I am guessing sometime this year??
Geschrieben 27 Oktober 2015 - 01:30
Okay, so I'm gonna explain this here. If you were asking just in here, it would not be a bad thing. You're roundabout asking for release dates in a lot of places, so let's get a few things clear:
We don't allow people to ask for release dates because it a) pushes people and harasses them for a hobby of theirs. b) it's impossible to give an accurate timeline if you're volunteering your time and c) before this rule every post or second post was asking about a release date
As the rules state, you're going to get a 2 day suspension for asking release dates
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Geschrieben 31 Oktober 2015 - 10:16
MVA scene Miami Mod. After a long chase with Michael Myers, resulted in a bad accident. A search is still on going for Michael in the area. The video fetchers new models and lights by EMC unit and team Happy Holloween ooh aah aah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. PS can someone share this video with thumbnail I can not get mine to work thanks...
Whats up!
Geschrieben 01 November 2015 - 12:04
Everything looks nice! It has really nice houses, cars, lights and more!!
I tried putting is as a thumbnail but it didn't work for me either
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Geschrieben 14 November 2015 - 02:02
Geschrieben 18 November 2015 - 07:24
Looking great!
Geschrieben 18 November 2015 - 09:37
Chris Giangiulio
Geschrieben 18 November 2015 - 11:40
This just keeps getting better every time an update comes out. Pretty hard to wait to play it!
I am reached fastest by Skype - thatoneiowan, or by email - thatoneiowan, then,,,,,, or
Geschrieben 19 November 2015 - 12:57
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Geschrieben 19 November 2015 - 12:58
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Geschrieben 20 November 2015 - 09:54
Wow, so many replays and even a gif (i was waiting for ). Thanks guys!
I would like to know your opinion on making one or many numbered civil police cruisers parked at our police dept. (Please vote in the poll).
Geschrieben 21 November 2015 - 04:57
That was Awesome! Good song also Boom- Saliva shit got real in that Miami-Dade Police Department videoWow, so many replays and even a gif (i was waiting for ). Thanks guys! v=TGTR3EHFgGI
I would like to know your opinion on making one or many numbered civil police cruisers parked at our police dept. (Please vote in the poll).
just AwesomeWow, so many replays and even a gif (i was waiting for ). Thanks guys!
I would like to know your opinion on making one or many numbered civil police cruisers parked at our police dept. (Please vote in the poll).
Geschrieben 21 November 2015 - 05:00
So to clarify your question you are wondering if we would prefer
A: One model/skin for each type of car (example: MDPD Crown vic slick top)
B: Multiple skins for each model that the only difference is the number on the unit
Also Supporting: RCMP mod, Stillwater mod, Lampard mod, Ravenna sub-mod, Rockport mod.
State & National Park enthusiast can help modders in park related issues.
My statements in no way respect the views of any agency I am or was formerly associated with.
Geschrieben 21 November 2015 - 05:24
I think he means that for example:
Charger patrol car will have 2 instances, but both vehicles will have the same numbers - OPTION A
Charger patrol car will have 2 instances, but both vehicles have differing numbers - OPTION B
Geschrieben 21 November 2015 - 07:18
So to clarify your question you are wondering if we would prefer
A: One model/skin for each type of car (example: MDPD Crown vic slick top)
B: Multiple skins for each model that the only difference is the number on the unit????
Yes, something like that parked on PD.
Poll closed, thx everybody.
Geschrieben 12 Dezember 2015 - 03:01
Looks amazing keep it up