London Mod (In progress)
Geschrieben 05 Februar 2011 - 02:43
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 10:09
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 11:27
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 02:58
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 03:07
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 05:01
First of all thank you for making such a great mod. Not been on the forum in ages nor check the delevolpment of this mod and so far seems fantastic.
Played it for a few hours and love it. Though some vehicles are missing which I hope to see in any future release, such as Turntable as was called to a person gonna jump from a building and coun't rescue them.
Also dog section and some new scripts lie adding patrol to the rapid response ambulances and police cars. All and all I love this mod and seems like everyone else does too.
@BritishArmyReserveCadets I agree with you there, updating the ID strings so people playing the mod understand what each vehicle is and adding desc to explain in brief what it does .
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 05:28
Played it for a few hours and love it. Though some vehicles are missing which I hope to see in any future release, such as Turntable as was called to a person gonna jump from a building and coun't rescue them.
You can ues the jump pad (in the FRU) for that event instead of the ladder.
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 05:31
What on earth are the CID gunna do ?there could also be CID and undercover cars included?
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 05:55
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 06 Februar 2011 - 07:25
You can ues the jump pad (in the FRU) for that event instead of the ladder.
Ah totally forgot about that cheers (Y)
What on earth are the CID gunna do ?
Well could do what WB does has the undercover car which attends when someone dies etc.. if you have ever played WB Mod you'd get what I mean
Geschrieben 08 Februar 2011 - 11:26
Not trying to be annoying but its no longer 'SO19' was changed to 'CO19' this was due to the fact that it went from 'Special Operations' to 'Central Operations'In the next version will the vehicle names be changed from like ID_TROJAN_31 to something like: SO19 Armed Response Vehicle. or somthing like that
I'm liking this mod... Vehicles and personal are great.
Geschrieben 09 Februar 2011 - 08:21
Geschrieben 09 Februar 2011 - 08:54
Not trying to be annoying but its no longer 'SO19' was changed to 'CO19' this was due to the fact that it went from 'Special Operations' to 'Central Operations'
I'm liking this mod... Vehicles and personal are great.
Thanks, im not from round london so i dont really get updated on what happens down there
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 12 Februar 2011 - 04:03
#1255 Guest_s.m.downes_*
Geschrieben 13 Februar 2011 - 09:34
In the next version will the vehicle names be changed from like ID_TROJAN_31 to something like: SO19 Armed Response Vehicle. or somthing like that
Real CO19 Vehicles are known as trojan, but for the met its not so19 its co19
Angehängte Datei(en)
Geschrieben 14 Februar 2011 - 12:37
Geschrieben 14 Februar 2011 - 08:41
yes i know know its CO19 as if you had read the topic someone already corrected me
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 23 Februar 2011 - 10:17
Geschrieben 26 Februar 2011 - 05:36
Front row seats heyhey! I recently had the pleasure of watching Yorkshire ambulance HART team do their thing!.. on me.. advanced entrapment.. I fail drived into a ditch.
Geschrieben 06 März 2011 - 03:08
Would it be possible to have 2 skins for the cars, one with "London's Air Ambulance" on it and the other with "Doctor" on it and it randomly loads one of them, or have 2 vehicle models with different skins
Student Paramedic