Release V1.9......great idea.Car starts moving as a normal civil car as soon you start the game.
I just might release v1.9 and see if someone else is able to found the problem. Maybe I just had VERY BAD LUCK.
Stolen car event does not work
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:16
Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
#22 Guest_Ricardo_*
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:18
Release V1.9......great idea.
Yeah lol
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:21
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:22
Poor Hoppah, he made that fancy follow command and now he can't use it on stolen vehicles. I'd be PO'd too.
Thát's exactly when I started to miss the event.
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:23
Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:24
Can you use it on the deluxe event Amok Driver?
If the event works fine on the Deluxe map in v1.8 (and v1.8.1) then it should also work on the Deluxe map in v1.9, because the new map has NO Deluxe version yet.
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:26
I meant could you use the chase command on the Amok Driver event?If the event works fine on the Deluxe map in v1.8 (and v1.8.1) then it should also work in v1.9 on the Deluxe map. The new map has NO Deluxe version yet.
Will the people with deluxe not be able to get the deluxe events on the new map?
Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:28
Hoppah can you reale config fiels? (if it is not a secrete)
freeplayparameters.xml etc
freeplayparameters.xml has all events disabled. fp_params_endless.xml is the file you need to edit for the events. It looks like freeplayparameters.xml is only being used for the score thingies.
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:28
Thát's exactly when I started to miss the event.
when you think about it, it could be the new functions thats screwing the scripts
I fly like paper, get high like planes
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:30
I meant could you use the chase command on the Amok Driver event?
Will the people with deluxe not be able to get the deluxe events on the new map?
There is no Deluxe version of the map yet, because I can't fix two maps for the same bugs. Only the normal events have been added to the new map so far and I will release that version first. A deluxe version (with the deluxe events indeed) and possibly a multiplayer version will be released later.
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:31
Last my ideas:freeplayparameters.xml has all events disabled. fp_params_endless.xml is the file you need to edit for the events. It looks like freeplayparameters.xml is only being used for the score thingies.
Looks on conf fiels with Vista note pad (he has different colourls and you will se if something is wrong)
More try to use standart civil car
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:33
Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 09:40
Hoppah, have you tested the map without the new scripts?
Besides the scripts for the tiller and the follow command v1.9 does not really have new scripts. I can't imagine they would conflict with this event. Besides that, the event still seems to work on the other maps including the new scripts.
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 10:55
Tried, did not work. Tried the values "1.0", "1.5" and "2.0".
HAve u tried setting every other event to zero and just have this event going?? or is tht how u test it in the first place?!
1. if u dont, then do and see what happens
2. if u do, then how long do u wait to see if it comes up?? yeh i know if u messed wiht the code it should get it to happen quicker, but have u left it for a period of time to see if it does happen, or even seen it failed??
but sorry if this is this is stupid/ uve done it already!
Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 11:38
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Geschrieben 01 September 2009 - 11:56
HAve u tried setting every other event to zero and just have this event going?? or is tht how u test it in the first place?!
1. if u dont, then do and see what happens
2. if u do, then how long do u wait to see if it comes up?? yeh i know if u messed wiht the code it should get it to happen quicker, but have u left it for a period of time to see if it does happen, or even seen it failed??
but sorry if this is this is stupid/ uve done it already!
Events won't just spawn when you do nothing. It's not like you have 100's of events going on when you stay idle for 1 hour. Sometimes you have 3 or 4 or even 5 events going on at the same time, but usually no more. Unless you play challenge maybe, but when you play neverending freeplay you HAVE TO finish events to get new events.
Let me just ask one question... This works fine if you play it on the original freeplay, but if you use the new freeplay map it won't work?
Yes, like I said, the event seems to work fine when I switch back to the original (v1.8.1) map. Although I might need to test that again, because it's been a while.
Geschrieben 02 September 2009 - 12:39
also is the path have a end point off the map?
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Geschrieben 02 September 2009 - 12:53
Have you tried yelling at your computer
also is the path have a end point off the map?
Remove the chase script from the mod and see if it works then.
Geschrieben 02 September 2009 - 01:13
I really wonder what is happening though... Do any of your testers have the same problem?
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
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