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Emergency 4, Long loading time

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#1 Guest_Xekanirelle_*

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Geschrieben 22 Juli 2009 - 01:23

I wanted to share something i just figured out...
I been having awefull long loading times, from 5-30 min deppending how big the missions been!

I have Vista premium 32bit and 4gb ram, with a sweet 8800 geforce 512mb grafic card (okok, its not the best any longer but its not bad :P)...
This should deffo be able to handle Emergency anyway!

So after a lot of hours googling, in both german and english forums (with a text translator (google rules)) - no luck!
Reinstalled and repaired - Getting the em4.cfg with different settings (windowed mode aso) to work (By pressing right SHIFT when starting the game (odd?))

Till it hit me, i played this game once before... when i first had built my computer - without any problems... What has changed except a bunch of new windows updates and drivers?
Well - my firewall... for one!

So i killed the net and turned of my f-secure... And sure enough - the game works Flawless now!
I wanted to share this with you all- if someone else is having the issue!

Seemed like the f-secure started scanning all the files as soon as i started the game... and therefore caused the lag/long loading times killing the game every 10'th second.

Anyway - This worked for me, hope it can help someone else in the future!


#2 iktah



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Geschrieben 02 August 2009 - 01:19

Aye, this works. I had the same problem and posted it, tried this and works like a charm. Instead of waiting for about 1 hour to play, now it takes about 3-5 mins :)

F-secure's realtime scan protection off = faster loading. You can actually turn off certain files it scans, xml for instance. But having that off all the time might give more problems after a while.
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#3 Guest_viper912_*

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Geschrieben 08 August 2009 - 11:25

would this also be caused my Mcafee? i have relalay slow games and lots of LAG. I can play battelfield 2 online with 64 plays flawless but this game i lag real bad in.

#4 Newfoundking


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Geschrieben 09 August 2009 - 01:37

Simply put, don't run anything in the background you don't need to, this will let as much memory as possible be used for the game. Yes that means turning off virus scans, xfire, msn, any tool centers, sidebars, anything that doesn't need to be running.

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#5 pyrothijs


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Geschrieben 09 August 2009 - 11:01

I'll add the tip to the FAQ today. Thanx for sharing

greetz,PyroThijs, (Moderator/FAQ author)
See something that doesn't belong? Report it, don't take matters into your own hands.
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#6 Guest_qcdnet_*

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Geschrieben 24 Juni 2011 - 07:50

great ,thanks for sharing cheap software buy cheap software

#7 shadowzuziz


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Geschrieben 26 Juni 2011 - 03:58

log out of live messenger, stop downloading,stop your youtube videos music etc, loose all the sidebar gadgets, log out of steam and xfire etc those gaming programs, make sure your computer fans are clean




#8 akonsouth



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Geschrieben 13 Dezember 2011 - 06:34

would this also be caused my Mcafee? i have relalay slow games and lots of LAG. I can play battelfield 2 online with 64 plays flawless but this game i lag real bad in.

thanx for sharing i have got a great knowledge so again thanx..............