I wanted to share something i just figured out...
I been having awefull long loading times, from 5-30 min deppending how big the missions been!
I have Vista premium 32bit and 4gb ram, with a sweet 8800 geforce 512mb grafic card (okok, its not the best any longer but its not bad

This should deffo be able to handle Emergency anyway!
So after a lot of hours googling, in both german and english forums (with a text translator (google rules)) - no luck!
Reinstalled and repaired - Getting the em4.cfg with different settings (windowed mode aso) to work (By pressing right SHIFT when starting the game (odd?))
Till it hit me, i played this game once before... when i first had built my computer - without any problems... What has changed except a bunch of new windows updates and drivers?
Well - my firewall... for one!
So i killed the net and turned of my f-secure... And sure enough - the game works Flawless now!
I wanted to share this with you all- if someone else is having the issue!
Seemed like the f-secure started scanning all the files as soon as i started the game... and therefore caused the lag/long loading times killing the game every 10'th second.
Anyway - This worked for me, hope it can help someone else in the future!