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Starting off a mod!

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Poll: Which Mod Should I start With? (30 gebruiker(s) hebben gestemd )

Should I start with....

  1. Albuquerque, New Mexico (9 stemmen [20.93%] - Bekijk )

    Percentage stemmen: 20.93%

  2. Solberg-Huntington Airport, New Jersey (12 stemmen [27.91%] - Bekijk )

    Percentage stemmen: 27.91%

  3. Jones Beach, Long Island, New York (8 stemmen [18.60%] - Bekijk )

    Percentage stemmen: 18.60%

  4. Universal Park, Orlando Florida (10 stemmen [23.26%] - Bekijk )

    Percentage stemmen: 23.26%

  5. Others (4 stemmen [9.30%] - Bekijk )

    Percentage stemmen: 9.30%

Stem Gasten kunnen niet stemmen

#21 Balloonchaser



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Gepost 04 januari 2016 - 03:43

Okay, Mods and Admins want to see some content!
So in the next week or 2, I will be working on reskins of some vehicles, and then add lights, from there I will start to re model vehicles from the ground up.

Here is some of the vehicles that you will see me reskin this week.. (PS.. This will be consdered a mod.. Not a sub-mod, So trust me.. It wont be all reskins ;)

Vehicles that you will most likely see in the coming weeks:

City of Albuquerque Police Department
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Eingefügtes Bild

New Mexico State Police

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US Border Patrol

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Albuquerque has many ambulance companies..
I will be using AMR, Albuquerque Fire Departments Ambulance, and Albuquerque Ambulance Department

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Eingefügtes Bild

Eingefügtes Bild

More to come! I will be skinning them so you can get a good look at what is to come.. Then we will go on what you guys want

{IF The pictures are not allowed, you may block them ;}


These are the modifications that I will work on (In order unless request)

1. Albuquerque Modification
2. Solberg- Huntington Airport map (Whitehouse Station Modification- Small town)
3. Universal Map (Universal Modification) Orlando Florida
4. Jones Beach Map (Beach on Long Island)
5. Others when suggested

#22 tbone1fire



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Gepost 04 januari 2016 - 05:28

merge your posts man


#23 RangerDog


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Gepost 04 januari 2016 - 08:34

Well the problem still is, The truth is alot of us can skin, Some less but still a few can model, Just a bit can script, And only a select amont of people can script what you want to script. People will stay cinical about it untill you show a scrpt or something, there has been so many people to say Im gonna do this and that but never made it.


Anyway, Good luck!

And i hope you are not one of them, but really can make it!

<p>How about being dead?

#24 Balloonchaser



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Gepost 04 januari 2016 - 01:11

Yeah, I have nothing to do the next coming months, and I'm going to live up to what I said.

And guess what.. If I can't do something, then I'm going to learn it! And learn it! Until I get it.. Some people won't do this, and this is why Emergency 4 is dying. People just ask other people when they can't! It's bad! I hope other people see this, because I don't care how long it takes me, how many people want to help me... {I'll let 2 maybe}
I'm going to get this done!

I should run for president 🤓

#25 MikeyPI


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Gepost 04 januari 2016 - 03:58

Okay, Mods and Admins want to see some content!
So in the next week or 2, I will be working on reskins of some vehicles, and then add lights, from there I will start to re model vehicles from the ground up.

Here is some of the vehicles that you will see me reskin this week.. (PS.. This will be consdered a mod.. Not a sub-mod, So trust me.. It wont be all reskins ;)

To be honest, I did not want to see content.  I was just preparing you for why people think the way they do in this community, and stating the easiest means to "win" them over into giving good-faith that you can fulfill what ambitions you propose.  To me, some mods make it, some don't, talent is a part of it but it's more dedication that sees them thru.  Most people get bored and move on long before they finish them because frankly, they underestimate the work, particularly if you're stuck hitting it up alone.


Well the problem still is, The truth is alot of us can skin, Some less but still a few can model, Just a bit can script, And only a select amont of people can script what you want to script. People will stay cinical about it untill you show a scrpt or something, there has been so many people to say Im gonna do this and that but never made it.


Anyway, Good luck!

And i hope you are not one of them, but really can make it!

^ He pretty much summed up the community, most can reskin, most can modify the map (that part is tedious but not too complicated overall).  Modeling is a "technical" skill, some can do it, some can't, you can learn but for some it comes more naturally than others.  Likewise with the scripting, it's a language, so people who are good with linguistics tend to do well at figuring out coding, people who struggle grasping language skills tend to have a tougher go of it.  All about the dedication to learn the more complex things if you want to make something different than the conventional stuff.  Just some tips.


Yeah, I have nothing to do the next coming months, and I'm going to live up to what I said.

And guess what.. If I can't do something, then I'm going to learn it! And learn it! Until I get it.. Some people won't do this, and this is why Emergency 4 is dying. People just ask other people when they can't! It's bad! I hope other people see this, because I don't care how long it takes me, how many people want to help me... {I'll let 2 maybe}
I'm going to get this done!

I should run for president

A few free months will help you work out the basics and get rolling into the game, but especially if you've gotta do it solo and intend a new map, new callouts, etc expect to invest years into it.  None of the large mods were an "overnight" thing, and most had several people working on various parts of it.  The mods for this game are just so big and so complex that it really is hard to do on your own, especially the more you want to add to it.  The best tip is to start small, get a basic "working" mod built, then add onto it as you go along, don't try to overcomplicate your task and try to rebuild the universe.  Make the mod that replicates the original game first, then start adding things like a new map, new callouts, new functions etc... Whatever you're going to add do so piece by piece, don't try to do it all at once lest you run into the all too common problem of breaking the game with no clue where it went wrong, people get frustrated at that point and quit (this game is very fickle and fragile; it doesnt take much to break it).


Best of luck in learning what you want to learn and doing what you have in mind for your mod.  Hopefully some of what I said above is useful to you and helps guide you along.

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#26 Balloonchaser



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Gepost 04 januari 2016 - 11:45

Yes, thank you.


I know about this game and the fragileness of it, trust me I crashed the LA mod while playing yesterday. As for what you said. Yes I do agree, but what I am goin to do is do 2 or 3 months by myself, then invite 3 or so people to help. They would help me on stuff like extra scripts and helping with the map, and vehicles..


Thanks for your input. I will be working on vehicles tonight or something.. I have a good tutorial to help me, then I will go by the pictures up above. 



#27 Balloonchaser



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Gepost 10 januari 2016 - 04:39

Progress has been started! The fire chief has been skinned and will later get better lights (Itchboy and Bama have credits for some models :)

I'll post pictures in a couple of hours if I find out how XD

{Sorry for double posting}