1. Re-install 911 First Responders to C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4 instead of the default directory.
2. Start regedit by selecting Start - Run, typing in 'regedit' and then
hitting 'OK'.
3. Select 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' and press the '+' button to its left to
expand the list.
4. Next, select 'SOFTWARE' and press the '+' button to its left to expand
the list.
5. Right-click on 'SOFTWARE' and select New > Key.
Enter the new key name: sixteen tons entertainment
6. Right-click on 'sixteen tons entertainment' and select New > Key.
Enter the new key name: Emergency 4
7. Right-click on 'Emergency 4' and select New > String value.
Enter the new key name: Installdir
8. Right-click on 'Installdir' and select Modify.
In the 'Value Data' field, C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4
next time, use the search feature