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State of the Union (or MOD)?

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#1 Sully101x



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Geschrieben 27 Oktober 2015 - 04:36

Greetings all. Just reinstalled 911FR and LA Mod and WOW I forgot how much fun it is! General questions though as I haven't been following this forum or community much, but what is the overall state of the mod and further development? (Really just need that MP Chase bug fixed!)


Also, what was up with the LA Mod vs 3.1.5 or whatever that was? It looks like there was some issues with a person not crediting sources? Not looking to stir anything up. Just generally wondering where the mod development is going and if it's going to be included int he EM5/now Emergency 2016 games. So I guess I'm just looking for a little context.


Also if there is an emergency subreddit and you could direct me to that, I would greatly appreciate it. I've looked but the word Emergency fits into so many categories.


So thank you for anyone who has a minute to kinda read me up that'd be great. I'll scroll through the forum some but I'm on a garbage network. 


Hope all is well with you all and good luck out there. The city of (Virtual) Los Angeles needs your help!

#2 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 27 Oktober 2015 - 04:56

To answer your questions:


LA mod (by Hoppah) is for all intents and purposes completed as far as he's going to take it.. Some of the bugs in it are "Hard-Coded" meaning that in the standard format of gameplay they can't be removed.  If the mod were made to be mission scripted, perhaps but in the default game, some of the bugs/glitches are there from the original game, not the mod's themselves.


The "update" to LA had crediting issues, I won't go into all the details but in essence, that project was terminated because of it. 


As to EM20xx and a north american development into that, most the modders that could do it, have basically decided to not go forth into that game (the reasons are quite extensive but mostly have to do with lack of innovation in the game and lack of sufficient support to transfer to that game).  People will mod that game eventually, but for now it's basic stuff you'll see being done till they get it figured out and spread the word as to how to go about it.  Right now, it's a select group tinkering with it as that goes, so it makes progress slow with lack of numbers attacking the problem.


The subreddit I have no clue if one exists, but I highly doubt it.

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#3 itchboy


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Geschrieben 27 Oktober 2015 - 04:59

I do have this possible upcoming update for LA. Its the "LA MOD NEW VEHICLES" topic. It might interest you. Doesnt fix any gameplay bugs yet, but it does improve some vehicles in the mod.

#4 Sully101x



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Geschrieben 27 Oktober 2015 - 05:26

Thanks for the quick responses guys. Now I feel all caught up!