Gepost 24 oktober 2015 - 03:14
Gepost 24 oktober 2015 - 03:58
No one will just make a modification for you, a modification takes a lot of time and effort to get a stable modification. Unless, ofcourse you're paying, which would be a hefty price, best for you just to refer to http://forum.emergen.../3-emergency-4/ and try to do one yourself.
Gepost 24 oktober 2015 - 06:09
Hello. I am from the same region of the world. And while I too would like a South-East Asian mod to come out, there is nobody here who will do it for you. You need to do the mod yourslelf. In modding this game, there are 4 basic principles of modding which are needed to create a mod.
The skills are:
- Skinning/Texturing
- Mapping
- Scripting
- Modelling
That is sorted in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest. Skinning is what you should try to learn first. For all skills (except mapping) there is a tutorial for each of them available here:
There are many offsite resources as well, its just a matter of finding them.
Gepost 24 oktober 2015 - 08:49
Nobody will go for it, even if you spam in 20 topics.
It's only up to you to make it.
Here's tip on how to start your mod