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Released New Lighting Mod for Station Wagon for 1.4.1 Steam, English

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#1 William Stapleford

William Stapleford


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Gepost 29 augustus 2015 - 04:22

I am happy to finally release this new lighting mod for the Default Police Station Wagon.  This lighting mod converts the vehicle to a USA lighting mod.  Instead of simply having blue lighting, the lighting and flashing patterns now have the red and white added as well.  This mod is designed and based off of the Whelen HID strobe lightbars found here in my state.  The game engine limits the amount of patterns that i can create and keep the game stable.  This mod was created and tested for version 1.4.1 for Steam and also the English version.  I am unsure how other versions of the game will work with this mod.


Here a a list of changes

Flash patterns of the blue lights have been changed

Material lighting animations have been set to "0" to avoid the lens effect

Red HID strobes added to the light bar

Red and blue light bar flash patterns

Red HID LED brake light alternating strobes

White HID LED reverse light alternating strobes

Mimic traffic director using red and blue light bar

Wig-wag flash pattern for the front headlights with spot light effects on ground and surrounding objects

Rear high mount brake light that functions as with the REAL brake lights

Surrounding red/blue flashing patterns for surrounding objects

equipment added includes handgun, fire extinguisher, pepper spray,

Lowered the speed of the default vehicle, it SHOULD no longer race to the scene.  It will still be faster then the cars but not RACING anymore

Changed a few collision values

Changed acceleration values

Lightbar has HID LED side view only flashing strobes as well.


A list of a few bugs found during testing

lights will go out of sequence with lighting effects if the view is changed

lights can be seen through the model at times

Vehicle still gets stuck at times

Wig-wag headlights will turn off but play through the final animations before stopping


(Please note that the equipment and the follow command are currently disabled for this model.  The extra equipment is available but can not be used by the police without using the multi-use mod, soon to come)









Please download from the following link below below.

Install by downloading to your computer.

Use the EM5 Splash screen and choose mod. 

Find the file and select it. 

Once the file is selected make sure that it is active.  (The blue square is filled in)


You can turn off the mod by clicking on the blue square next to the mod and turning it off (square is now empty)

Enjoy and look for more things coming your way.

(I hope to get some videos up soon again of the changes as pictures do not do justice)


Not responsible for any problems this mod may cause with your computer or game, use at your own risk, it has been tested on ULTRA settings using the latest Steam patch to date.  


Have a great day, (More lighting mods to come, keep an eye open)



Delaware, USA

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#2 Cubey00



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Gepost 03 oktober 2015 - 05:23

I have your lighting mods for the other vehicles and they work great. Thanks :)

But this one doesn't work for me. The police car doesn't spawn when I send it to a location. The game thinks it does as it will display the number of cars in the garage as 1/2. But nothing actually comes out. But once I turn off the mod and try again, it works as it should. The only other mods I use are your light mods. Currently running Steam version of the game 1.4.1


I'm assuming I'm the only person with this problem as no one else has mentioned it. 

#3 William Stapleford

William Stapleford


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Gepost 03 oktober 2015 - 11:32

When I get a free second I will look at it.  I have had issues with things like that too.  It may be a file name problem or even a possible corrupt file.  I will check when i get a second.


Thanks for letting me know too.




Delaware, USA

#4 Cubey00



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Gepost 04 oktober 2015 - 04:52

Many thanks.

#5 William Stapleford

William Stapleford


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Gepost 07 oktober 2015 - 12:04


Could you check and make sure that with no mods enabled that the car shows up.  The last time I had that happen it was due to a corrupt stw file.  I had to use the option under Steam to check all the files.  

The only other thing I can think of other then that is a problem with the name in the files.


Let me know if you can check the game with all the mods turned off and see if the station wagon shows up.





Delaware, USA

#6 Cubey00



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Gepost 13 oktober 2015 - 07:27

Sorry for the late reply.

I got it working. It must of been a corrupt download. I downloaded the file again and overwrote the old one. It has fixed the problem :)

#7 facc00



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Gepost 17 oktober 2015 - 04:16

Thanks, I am hoping more mods make it to emergency 2016.

#8 William Stapleford

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Gepost 18 oktober 2015 - 11:36

Caution to anyone using any of my lighting mods the latest forced steam update may cause problems.......

Failed to even load the model or even the project after the latest patch.

Just great another Steam update and work starts all over. What a joke no wonder no one wants to play with this series anymore.

Delaware, USA

#9 facc00



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Gepost 18 oktober 2015 - 03:26

Caution to anyone using any of my lighting mods the latest forced steam update may cause problems.......

Failed to even load the model or even the project after the latest patch.

Just great another Steam update and work starts all over. What a joke no wonder no one wants to play with this series anymore.

Delaware, USA



Thank you for your work.  :)

#10 AcernoobLPs



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Gepost 14 november 2015 - 01:53

It dont work for me :( Please give me Help !  :WTF:

#11 William Stapleford

William Stapleford


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Gepost 15 november 2015 - 02:24

This mod was made for the early version of the game.  Lighting mods are being re-worked to work with the new em5 and the 2016 version that 16 tons is ripping people off with.  Sorry.


What version of the game do you have?





Delaware, USA