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Battlefield 4 on PS4

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#1 Chris07


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Gepost 31 juli 2015 - 03:54

So to mix things up, I've been giving my PS4 some extra attention lately and I've gotten myself hooked on Battlefield 4.

I've been an avid Call of Duty player for years (since COD4) but in recent years the game has not changed much and has gotten a little boring. I decided to give battlefield a try. Battlefield 4 is my first battlefield title and all I can say is that I was instantly sold. While I find it more complex than COD, I find it much more fun.

A friend and I have been playing online quite a bit recently and I think it would be kind of cool to get a full 4-5 man squad together for a couple games. We both live on the West Coast of the U.S. and play mainly at night (9p till about 1a PST a couple times a week). If anyone would like to join me just send me a PM and I'll send you my PSN ID. We do use voice chat so please have that ability. If you'd rather not cap some fools with me that's cool. Just take a few moments and help me gloat about BF4 is way better than the more recent COD games. :P

#2 EmergencyFan97


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Gepost 05 augustus 2015 - 09:36

Sent you one.  I'm definitely game to play BF4 with people that actually want to PTFO as a team.

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#3 Chris07


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Gepost 06 augustus 2015 - 04:46

Yea. I gave up on my k/d ratio day 3. It was too far gone by then.

#4 EmergencyFan97


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Gepost 08 augustus 2015 - 01:42

My K/D 0.61.  Not hugely awful for someone who only plays recreationally every couple days.

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