I've been an avid Call of Duty player for years (since COD4) but in recent years the game has not changed much and has gotten a little boring. I decided to give battlefield a try. Battlefield 4 is my first battlefield title and all I can say is that I was instantly sold. While I find it more complex than COD, I find it much more fun.
A friend and I have been playing online quite a bit recently and I think it would be kind of cool to get a full 4-5 man squad together for a couple games. We both live on the West Coast of the U.S. and play mainly at night (9p till about 1a PST a couple times a week). If anyone would like to join me just send me a PM and I'll send you my PSN ID. We do use voice chat so please have that ability. If you'd rather not cap some fools with me that's cool. Just take a few moments and help me gloat about BF4 is way better than the more recent COD games.