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Information from Amazon & Steam

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#1 Murf



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Geschrieben 01 Juli 2015 - 10:11

Well, I recently factory reset my computer like a tard..and I forgot to write down all of my passwords and such. I lost my amazon account details, and the email I used for it is no longer active. I called Customer Support and got a little indian chick who did feck all. 


Now, on Steam..my steam guard code is not being sent.. any of you have the same issues before and can help? I don't feel like losing 40+ games..and GTA:SA and EM4/911:FR




#2 Chris07


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Geschrieben 01 Juli 2015 - 10:28

Assuming your email is current on steam, the guard code can sometimes take a while to send (usually no more than 30 minutes)

If your email is no longer valid...try your luck with steam support. If you know your credit card or account details on file you might stand a chance at proving your identity to them. Good luck.

Now the obvious: you set yourself up on this one. Not keeping your emails up to date and relying on Windows/your browser to remember your passwords...this sort of massive headache was 100% preventable and as a penalty you are at the mercy of steam and Amazon to get your account back. They are under no obligation to let you back into your accounts citing security and you run the very real risk of losing access permanently.

What have we learned? :P
In the future use a cloud based back-up of your passwords like LastPass.

#3 Murf



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Geschrieben 01 Juli 2015 - 10:43

I had the marked down, I lost the papers..and Amazon can't do any thing with out the correct information given and apparently I put down the wrong Zip Code for my area, which is malarkey. But, eh..I guess I will wait for steam and find other means of getting GTA SA and Emergency 4 back ;)



#4 Chris07


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Geschrieben 01 Juli 2015 - 10:58

Just as a thought. See if you can track down any receipts or packing lists for any of your past Amazon orders. It may have the wrong zip code on it and you can use that. Try a second time with Amazon.

#5 Murf



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Geschrieben 01 Juli 2015 - 11:03

I use amazon for cheap digital downloads, haha. I have GTA SA and Emergency 4 on my amazon products list. 



#6 Chris07


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Geschrieben 01 Juli 2015 - 11:36

Your receipts for those purchases might have the address on them it's worth a look through your email.

#7 Murf



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Geschrieben 02 Juli 2015 - 12:53

It's a shame I can't access the email though.



#8 Chris07


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Geschrieben 02 Juli 2015 - 02:15

Yea...gg   :tongue2:

#9 Murf



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Geschrieben 02 Juli 2015 - 01:24

I've waited 24 hours for the steam guard code, nothing haha.



#10 Seluryar



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Geschrieben 02 Juli 2015 - 05:58

Couldnt you try re-activating that old email account?

#11 Murf



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Geschrieben 02 Juli 2015 - 07:32

I dont have the password :P



#12 Seluryar



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Geschrieben 02 Juli 2015 - 08:04

Have you tried the usual 'forgot my password' link? Any reputable email service will have that option along with you setting up security questions when you created the account.


Also, I urge you to go through every account you had associated with that email address right now and change the old address to your current one so this wont happen too much in the future. Make a paper list of the accounts if you have to and go through them one by one.


Last but not least, find a password management app or site that can keep track of your accounts and passwords.

#13 Murf



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Geschrieben 03 Juli 2015 - 11:10

What happen was, some twat got in to my account from fuckin' austrailia or where ever. They changed EVERY THING on my GMAIL account so I ain't got it no more. :P Probably just going to make a new steam one and re-buy the games which is going to be a pain in the testies, but meh.

