Don't listen to jamnj88. He is just a bitter old man
Also that is alot of units. Just becareful doing too much at once. Alot of units will start taxing the game engine. I understand rural departments have quite a few but use some game design tactics and balance game play versus realism. Plus from a design perspective, all those units mean that you will propably have about 4 models for each department and reskins them all. What makes a good looking mod is not the amount of units but the variety. Look at montana, most of those units are all unique and it is very popular. Now look at any clan mod. Most of the time they are all the same units but just reskinned, and they get boring fast. Just something to think about.
I think since this mod has less vehicles than Harbor city eventually, it wont be taxing. But if it does, there are a few vehicles I have on the remove if needed list. Utilities will also carry the jaws of life too.
Don't listen to jamnj88. He is just a bitter old man
Also that is alot of units. Just becareful doing too much at once. Alot of units will start taxing the game engine. I understand rural departments have quite a few but use some game design tactics and balance game play versus realism. Plus from a design perspective, all those units mean that you will propably have about 4 models for each department and reskins them all. What makes a good looking mod is not the amount of units but the variety. Look at montana, most of those units are all unique and it is very popular. Now look at any clan mod. Most of the time they are all the same units but just reskinned, and they get boring fast. Just something to think about.
Version 1 is just reskins. Version two will have a few custom/new vehicles. We will also eventually add custom/new scripts. Each stations's volunteer vehicles have their own color scheme. Station 10 is white with red stripe, station 11 is red with white stripe, station 8 or 9 will be yellow/green, and I haven't decided the last color scheme for the last station. All non-volunteer vehicles will keep the harbor city paint scheme. All the vehicles listed are what we plan to include, and all of them might not be in the first release. I will still remove some of the vehicles. It won't be too taxing on the game engine, and this mod will be really popular. And btw are you good at making new scripts? And are you good at rotating non-led lights? And mapping and skinning? If so, we can use you for a few things.
*UPDATE* First Vehicle Finished (HCVFD Brush Engine 110). Check it out!
For the second time, please avoid double posting. I've merged your posts again, next time the double post will just be deleted.