Our original policy was all released material in the form of downloadable materials must be credited, but an amendment is clearly needed now.
Effective immediately, when displaying mods in progress, all content displayed must be credited appropriately. If there's a slew of vehicles in one picture, just a simple author's note of who contributed is enough. Detailed descriptions of content authors are for readmes. For individual unit showcases however, you are required to list all contributing authors.
This means if you show off a couple units, whether it's the light work, a reskin, or maybe a brand new model you made, using someone else's accessories to make it shine, you gotta give credit. Think about how you'd feel if someone was showcasing your work as theirs.
This has been becoming an issue for quite some time, and it's not fair to authors who work long and hard to have someone reskin their content and show it off as their own.
Failure to comply will be dealt with on a case to case basis, and will result in a warning if necessary.
Does this apply to my private mod?
Any showcases, including unreleased mods are required to have the credits
I have a gameplay video with twenty units, do I have to list them all?
If it's not a showcase of an individual unit, save it for a readme. If it's a gameplay video, focusing mostly on a certain unit, it'd be cool to credit the contributors to that unit. Be creative about it.
Am I really going to be punished for forgetting a tag line?
First time, no. Just a reminder. But if you continue to post showcases without credits, or you have a history of content violations, then you'll be more likely to get a warning.
Why do this all of the sudden?
Since the LA Mod went as a resource, the community has seen a series of reskin mods, no longer going under the "submods" category. This means that many of these mods will have little to no association with their original content contributors. As many people have began showcasing progress on a piece by piece basis, we as a community of content creators decided it was only fair to acknowledge those who contributed when you show it off.
Why is Emergency-Planet being anti-modder? I'm just trying to learn!
We're not. In fact, we're here for something completely different. We want you to learn! Tell us who made what, and we'll get along great. This isn't a way for us to ban people easier, it's just a way for us to ensure our content creators get the recognition they deserve.