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I have created translations for the "Official" EM5 Editor tutorial video series

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#1 Ami89E1234


    STLMod Creator

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  • Gender:Male
  • Location:St. Louis, Missouri USA
  • Interests:Emergency, Modding, Girls, Video Game Creation/Playing, Baseball, Badminton, Skyrim, Girls, Band, Minecraft. Did I mention girls?

Gepost 30 maart 2015 - 03:45

Hello all,
I haven't been active on the forum for a while but I do drop in on occasion, and couldn't help but notice since the release of Emergency 5 how most non-German speaking members were struggling to comprehend what was being said in the official World Builder tutorials, which, moronically enough, didn't come with a translation save the first video, and I haven't seen anyone try to work on translating it. Since I haven't really been active at modding for years, I decided I might as well do something and use my fluency in German to help other users with how to mod this *disappointing* game. Therefore, I spent a fair bit of time translating the second tutorial video. It's not an exact translation (with German to English or vice versa you really can't do that a whole lot lol), but it's very similar, covers everything said in the video, and there was an attempt at trying to help with clarification issues et al.
Forgive me if it isn't my best work, as it was done between 2-4 AM while I was also crashing from an off-brand 5 Hour Energy lol. Do let me know if you spot any mistakes/things that need further clarification.







EDIT: I've been rather busy as of late, and so haven't really had much time to come here nor work on the translations, but I did put the other two I finished a few weeks ago on here. I'm currently still working on the translation for video 5; I'll have it up as soon as I can. I hope what I've done so far has helped someone get started with EM5 modding.

EDIT #2: I finished up the translation for the fifth and sixth tutorials, will have them up soon, and have begun the process for the final one. Hopefully I'll have it finished soon as well.

Deze post is bewerkt door Ami89E1234: 12 april 2015 - 09:32

Facepalm - Apply directly to the forehead. If it isn't a Boeing, you shouldn't be going.
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. If you don't try again you will be hit in the face with a shovel."


