hi guys, just wondering about what helmets people are using.
I use to have a gallet F1SF but just received my new rosenbauer heros, does any one else have these or use something different?
rosenbauer.jpg 101.62KB
Posted 01 March 2015 - 08:46 PM
hi guys, just wondering about what helmets people are using.
I use to have a gallet F1SF but just received my new rosenbauer heros, does any one else have these or use something different?
rosenbauer.jpg 101.62KB
Posted 02 March 2015 - 04:15 AM
This is the configuration/Make of the helmet I use as a Jr: Cairns 1010 with faceshield (Not saying I don't like it they way it is, because I do, I would like it with bourkes better. Only thing I would change.)
In my personal opinion, I really do not like those European helmets. They seem, I don't know...weird
Didn't think ti was large compared to most peoples sig.... But alrightly then
NYCERU Senior Member
Posted 02 March 2015 - 04:58 AM
My Volunteer Fire Department issues a Cairns 1044 Defender. It has a built in safety-glass shield, however I'm not entirely sure I like it or not.
Posted 02 March 2015 - 05:00 AM
Posted 02 March 2015 - 10:24 PM
Posted 06 March 2015 - 12:13 AM
thanks guys that's really cool to see , there such a different design they look similar to the what we used to use long time ago
Posted 07 March 2015 - 04:41 AM
The New Zealand Fire Service has recently changed from a North American style helmet to a European one similar to the one in the first post. I personally HATE the Euro style one compared to the North American Style. The general opinion among other professional kiwi fire fighters is the same and so strong that the Fire Service is rumoured to be switching back to the North American style. The reason we dislike the Euro one so much compared to our old North American style helmets is:
A; It is heavier
B; The helmet covers your ears so it muffles sound and makes it harder to hear.
C; There is a significant heat build up around your head inside the helmet when conducting internal firefighting.
D; The strap system makes it slower to put the helmet on over a BA/ SCBA mask and it can easily get caught up which means you have to take it off, re-centre the straps and try again.
The only positives with the Euro style (IMO) is the built in eye protection, plus the snug fit combined with the strap system holds the helmet tightly in place without it ‘sloping’ from side to side with sudden movements. However this is only a positive for rescue jobs because of problem ‘D’ mentioned above.
Posted 16 March 2015 - 01:32 PM
I think the European models are the golden standard for structure fire.
The only limit I see in these helmets is their poor use during extrications or SAR operations. I use a smaller helmet when this occurs.
Posted 16 March 2015 - 03:30 PM
In Portugal, Volunteer FDs can only use Yellow for regular firefighters, Red for team leaders and White for commanders. The Professional FDs use Black for all firefighters, except for the watch/station managers, officers, commanders etc. that use White helmets (sometimes with additional stripes in other colors).
We use yellow Pacific F7s for most of our calls, red/yellow MSA Gallet F2s for wildfires and blue/red modified MSA Gallet F2s for EMS Operations (we have 3 of these per ambulance).
Lisbon's Professional Fire Brigade (RSB Lisboa) has been using the Rosenbauer Heros in black with white stripes (with the FF ID number on the sides and, sometimes, its rank and name). RSB's paramedics use the same helmet model as the USAR teams (lighter than the fire helmets and more exposed), in white/blue with the ID number and name on the sides. The thing is, when RSB paramedics that aren't on ambulance-duty (basically, they are firefighters with additional training that can also respond to regular FD calls), their fire helmets have a white Star of Life on the sides.
Our team-leaders use red Pacific F7s and RSB watch managers, officers, etc. use white Rosenbauer Heros with red stripes (and sometimes with its rank written on the side "Watch Manager", "Operations Commander" or something like that, it really depends).
Our public EMS (INEM) uses yellow helmets with "INEM" on the sides.
These pictures were taken during a training exercise in Chiado, last year.
Check out my latest:
Posted 19 March 2015 - 09:45 PM
thank you ghost really good information, love the pictures.
its great to see how different F.D offer different ppe.
Posted 19 March 2015 - 10:28 PM
I think the European models are the golden standard for structure fire.
The only limit I see in these helmets is their poor use during extrications or SAR operations. I use a smaller helmet when this occurs.
As I said in my post, I cannot see how those are very helpful, they don't cover the front of your face like a hat, or the back of your neck. I think american helmets are the top of the top, then again, I'm a bit biased
Didn't think ti was large compared to most peoples sig.... But alrightly then
NYCERU Senior Member
Posted 19 March 2015 - 11:00 PM
I have the opposite feeling,I see these two models as motorbike helmet and scooter helmets