I beg to differ on that.
So far all we've seen is half finished models, some screenshots of what has been told is engine basic stuff, and a lot of huff and puff. It'll look promising when there's actual progress. Right now, given the past of games like these, I'll remain skeptical until given reason to believe otherwise. It's easy to fake pictures to look a lot better than the actual gameplay. I want gameplay video. That's when you can believe in progress. Otherwise, it's all smoke and mirrors in this writer's humble opinion.
I just checked out their site, and I have zero faith in it now. They're hiring all positions, the site looks like it's done by someone with no real idea of building a commercial game. And investment opportunities, under the contact us page, are only for investments of over $50,000. Yeah right. It also refers to people as coders and modelers, neither of which are really the industry names for the jobs, instead more of a hobbyist name that communities have adopted.
Honestly, I have zero faith we'll see anything worthwhile from this
EDIT: Just looked up the WHOIS, the site has been theirs for 8 years now, and nothing?
Deze post is bewerkt door Newfoundking: 15 februari 2015 - 09:00
Looked up the WHOIS
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