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Site issue

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#1 Graffspee



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Geschrieben 15 Januar 2015 - 05:20

I do not know if I am the only one experiencing this but when I access the form I have been having the problem of being sent to different web pages such as this page for example: http://mediads-group.com/


I have had this issue for at least the last week and on several different computers on different networks so I dont not think its on my end.


Just thought I would give you a heads up....




#2 randomperson139


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Geschrieben 15 Januar 2015 - 05:24

Do you get sent to these other sites automatically, or is it when you click something (e.g. a link in a page)?


I don't appear to be having any issues.

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#3 Graffspee



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Geschrieben 15 Januar 2015 - 05:39

It automatically. Sometimes when I first connect to the site and other times when I go to a thread.......

#4 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 15 Januar 2015 - 06:29

It is a google ad related issue, adsense has had an issue, Stan will have to resolve the issue temporarily however he can until google repairs the issue on their end.  It is not an issue related to the site but to the advertisements within the site.

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