Okay Guys. I have taken a short vacation so no updates for a few days but there are some replys.
Bugi: Yeah I will be working more soon on that. Thanks for your opinion!
ThatOnelowan: I dont see the the interceptors thats why I did a skin for a other one.
Itchboy: The skin will be updated on the units. I forgot to write that the lightbar whas going to be added later on. I had a thought a few days ago to add some of bamas stuff on the PD if I coud get permission but I don't know what happened to that idea. But now I will add some of his stuff if I get permission. I agree 100% to everything you said and I will work more when I get back home. And I will have new models on one (if not 2) fire station(s) and a new hospital building. That will be made by THVFD that is very kind of doing that.
Mikey: As I said in to the comment to Itchboy, I forgot to say that the lightbar will be added later on. Thank you for the information though!
Newfoundking: Thanks for more information! The nubers and text will be added in the next update I will post.
rcpd: It will be added later on!
Now after reading all these comments. I feel like I have rushed this mod too much. And something I want to point out is that I dont have all the time in the world to work on this mod. I still have school and it's much I need to train on for many tests. Next time you see an update there will be more work being done on the units.
Thank you for all your opinions and comments!