Welcome to The Scottish Fire & Rescue modification topic.
This is a private mod I've worked on for around a year that focuses on my home town of Glasgow.
I'm trying to keep it realistic as possible using only real units and scripts such as "limited water" plus "search house script".
It features five real life Scottish Fire and Rescue stations; Cowcaddens, Maryhill, Springburn, Govan and Calton all of which have been faithfully reacreated and are already complete and in game
If anyone wants to help out drop me a pm and i'm sure I could accommodate you as there is still alot i'd like to do but don't have time.
again this mod is PRIVATE I'd consider getting permission to release when and if I'm ever satisfied with it.
Comments/Suggestions/Criticism welcome
http://tinypic.com/v...=8#.U5x1OfldWSo Turn Out from Cowcaddens
http://tinypic.com/v...=8#.U5x2KfldWSo Current standard appliances including ARP
http://tinypic.com/v...=8#.U5x2cvldWSo Current special appliances