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Emergency 4 Multiplayer Group

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#1 Newfoundking


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Gepost 22 april 2014 - 10:17

In an effort to create a stronger community and more fun multiplayer games, Emergency-Planet will now host their own multiplayer games, with no commitment. Casual players, newbies, or veterans welcome. Lots of fun to be had, playing mods you decide. Teamspeak will be available for communication, however it is not required. Our goal is provide a fun and easy way for you to play multiplayer.This past weekend, I ran a little test with whoever was interested at an Emergency 4 multiplayer group. I don't like the word clan because it implies some sort of restrictions to joining. Well over this weekend, I've learned a lot of things that the community enjoys doing, and some things we can do to ensure that everyone is having more fun here.

With great pleasure, I would like to announce the creation of the Emergency Planet's Mutliplayer Game. How do you become a member? If you're reading this, you already are!

How it Works
Anytime: Using the site's multiplayer forum, members can post they are hosting their own games throughout the week. These games will be usually hosted through Hamachi, and can use the site's Teamspeak server, listed below.

Every Weekend: There will be arranged games for every weekend, in which certain mods will be preselected to be used for multiplayer games. These games will use the site's Teamspeak, provide downloads ahead of time for all files needed, including any editted maps or modified game components, and there will be a hosted Hamachi opened by Newfoundking with room for one game. More than one game is welcome, but another member will need to open the Hamachi server to host the game.

What Do I Need to Play?
For the casual games throughout the week, the member starting the game will list what you need for that individual game, but the weekend games from Emergency Planet will use the following

LogMeIn Hamachi
This is used to create a virtual network for multiplayer games. It is available for download here and for free can host up to 5 clients, and can be used for joining a network as well. Each game will provide connection information including server name and password well ahead of time.

Teamspeak 3
One item we thought we wouldn't want, but found out greatly improved our gameplay was Teamspeak. This is a free voice to voice program, allowing you to talk in realtime to other players participating. It can be downloaded for free from here. Although this is not required by any means, it's recommended you download and run this program. If you do not have a microphone, you can join in as a listener too, and just hear the chatter amongst the games.

The game and mod being played
Although this should be obvious, make sure you have the exact same mod running as the one you want to join in on. This means if any patches are made for that game, or light mods are running, you should have the same as everyone else.

What if I Want to Host My Own Game?
You're more than welcome to! You should use Hamachi to open a virtual network for your game, feel free to use our Teamspeak server and our Multiplayer forum to announce your game. These can be a lot of fun, it's just important to remember that it's just a game, and you might not always get a lot of members interested in playing.

How do I join your Teamspeak?
Very simple actually. At this time, we've just restarted it, and you can come in through the server: "" Choose a nickname, preferably your site username, and you're set. Please note the terms of use for this site apply to the Teamspeak as well, and we will be moderating users in there. This is primarily meant for gaming, so while we welcome use of it, it's not meant to replace forum posts in any way shape or form.

I look forward to getting to play with you guys in the future and I hope you enjoy our latest addition

Click here to view the article

Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information


Executive Director: EMP Gulag


Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!

#2 gunswat


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Gepost 22 april 2014 - 11:04

I did enjoy the first night :)

#3 TheForceRD



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Gepost 23 april 2014 - 01:19




#4 Ace


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Gepost 23 april 2014 - 07:53

I hope there will be no rank structure of any sort because then people will get power-hungry which leads to a failing group. I'm looking forward to this!

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Emergency 4 since 2006





#5 Newfoundking


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Gepost 23 april 2014 - 09:48

For reference, the teamspeak password for entry is emplanet


Also, any rank structure will be the same as this site. Staff on the site will retain power to moderate as needed on the Teamspeak itself, basically to keep things clean, following the rules, etc, but there will be no formal structure you see in many clans. I have played half a dozen or more games with many people, and the fact I'm a moderator had no bearing on how the game went. I gave orders and they gave me orders. You're playing as a team, and that's that.

Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information


Executive Director: EMP Gulag


Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!

#6 Fred03


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Gepost 23 april 2014 - 11:04

I wondered how long before someone made a clan with the goal of being "laid back", I hope everything works out well for ya.

Also Supporting: RCMP mod, Stillwater mod, Lampard mod, Ravenna sub-mod,  Rockport mod.


State & National Park enthusiast can help modders in park related issues.

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#7 gunswat


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Gepost 23 april 2014 - 11:21

I wondered how long before someone made a clan with the goal of being "laid back", I hope everything works out well for ya.

about 2years ago;)

#8 Stan



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Gepost 24 april 2014 - 09:51

Our teamspeak is up again:




Password: emplanet

Port: default

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#9 gunswat


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Gepost 24 april 2014 - 11:27

Stan I know this is the wrong topic but did you get those downloads I gave you months ago?:P

#10 Stan



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Gepost 25 april 2014 - 06:27

90%has been Fixed :)

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#11 gunswat


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Gepost 25 april 2014 - 06:37

With my downloads?

#12 EM4life


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Gepost 28 april 2014 - 08:17

Happy to see the community getting together to play the game we all mod and enjoy. We should have done this a long time ago! 


Here's to future multiplayer memories.  :cheers-mate:


#13 Kristian Mikkelborg

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Gepost 12 mei 2014 - 09:37

Someone up for some playing?

#14 Dosedmonkey


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Gepost 16 mei 2014 - 07:35

Brilliant, exactly what we need. :)

Eingefügtes Bild
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#15 Ace


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Gepost 30 september 2014 - 05:30

Excuse the bump but nobody is ever on it...

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Emergency 4 since 2006