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Problem uninstalling game

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#1 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 17 April 2014 - 01:32

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post but I bought 911 First Responders like 2 to 3 years back and I want to reinstall the Emergency 4 I bought (because first responders expired with gamefly? whatever) but whenever I try to uninstall it gives me a error message saying "The setup has detected that version 1.03.001 of Emergency 4 is already installed This setup installs an earlier version of Emergency 4 (1.02.001)   You will have to uninstall the previous version before installing this version" but it does not work when I try to uninstall please help.

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#2 emergency 2013

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Geschrieben 17 April 2014 - 04:15

goto>start menu> search: add or remove Programs

and there you go


#3 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 17 April 2014 - 09:09

goto>start menu> search: add or remove Programs

and there you go


Does not work that's the problem i'm trying to say

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#4 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 25 April 2014 - 12:18

Will someone PLEASE help sorry for double post

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#5 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 25 April 2014 - 01:41

Advanced user required, be careful or you may damage other things.

Start> Run> regedit (enter)

EDIT> Find> (or CTRL+F)

search for 1.03.001 (verify you only remove emergency 4/911 FR references you find.).

The most important reference will be in the following location:



Select the reference (it should be a folder) to em4/911 FR and press the delete key.  This will remove all records of the game ever being installed from the registry, thus making it possible to reinstall a version that isnt as to date as the original.

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#6 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 25 April 2014 - 02:55

Advanced user required, be careful or you may damage other things.

Start> Run> regedit (enter)

EDIT> Find> (or CTRL+F)

search for 1.03.001 (verify you only remove emergency 4/911 FR references you find.).

The most important reference will be in the following location:



Select the reference (it should be a folder) to em4/911 FR and press the delete key.  This will remove all records of the game ever being installed from the registry, thus making it possible to reinstall a version that isnt as to date as the original.


Hmm ill try that but what other things might I damage?


And how to i regedit?

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#7 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 25 April 2014 - 03:04

Goto the start menu, select run.. then type in regedit and press enter.


IF you remove values to other games or apps or the os its self you can damage whatever needed that registry code... most if not all the entries for EM4/911 FR are always clearly labelled so it is pretty hard to accidentally delete things.

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#8 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 25 April 2014 - 07:49

Goto the start menu, select run.. then type in regedit and press enter.


IF you remove values to other games or apps or the os its self you can damage whatever needed that registry code... most if not all the entries for EM4/911 FR are always clearly labelled so it is pretty hard to accidentally delete things.


Where can I find Run I have Windows 7 and when I click the start menu I don't see anything called run and if I got to do advanced user how can I do it?

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#9 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 26 April 2014 - 02:19


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#10 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 26 April 2014 - 05:18

It searches but does not do anything

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#11 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 26 April 2014 - 06:55

If you can't find any record of emergency4/911FR then you're out of luck because when anything installs on your computer legitimately it leaves things in the registry.  In EM4s case it's pretty straightforward to find the registry keys IF they exist.

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#12 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 27 April 2014 - 02:04

If you can't find any record of emergency4/911FR then you're out of luck because when anything installs on your computer legitimately it leaves things in the registry.  In EM4s case it's pretty straightforward to find the registry keys IF they exist.


Never mind but what kind of things do I delete I see 911FR but I also see Sixteen tons entertainment, Display version 1.03.001, and Install Shield 

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#13 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 27 April 2014 - 05:22

You have 911 FR installed it will be the 16 tons entertainment folder along with the version 1.03.001 information key(s).  That will remove the reference that is preventing you from uninstalling.

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#14 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 27 April 2014 - 05:35

You have 911 FR installed it will be the 16 tons entertainment folder along with the version 1.03.001 information key(s).  That will remove the reference that is preventing you from uninstalling.


I deleted it 911FR uninstalled when I deleted a file but the message comes up when I try to install I think i'm missing a file


I have a file that 


NAME                                                            TYPE                                                             DATA


DisplayVersion                                           REG_SZ                                                          1.03.001

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#15 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 27 April 2014 - 07:09

That is a registry code that is missing, when you attempt to reinstall it the new install would put in that code into the registry....  When a game is uninstalled removing that won't have an effect.  Uninstall the game, and reinstall it.

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#16 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 27 April 2014 - 07:13

That is a registry code that is missing, when you attempt to reinstall it the new install would put in that code into the registry....  When a game is uninstalled removing that won't have an effect.  Uninstall the game, and reinstall it.


How can I uninstall it now..... Its not in programs 

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#17 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 13 Mai 2014 - 02:44

any help?

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#18 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 13 Mai 2014 - 06:19

Legitimate installations will be listed in the add/remove programs in windows, if it ain't there then it wasnt correctly installed.

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#19 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 13 Mai 2014 - 06:51

Legitimate installations will be listed in the add/remove programs in windows, if it ain't there then it wasnt correctly installed.


Of course but I deleted it when I removed a file with Run but there are still some files in run I can't find


EDIT: Now in run I deleted every EM4/911 FR file but I still get that dang error...

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#20 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 13 Mai 2014 - 07:22

911:FR must be installed correctly, then uninstalled correctly before you can install EM4, since EM4 ships at a lower version than 911 FR does, manual deletion of the files does not remove the registry codes.. You will have to reinstall 911:FR correctly, then uninstall it correctly to fix this issue.  The other option is to manually remove the registry keys that are in your registry which is problematic if you are not an advanced computer user.

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