Police Equipment Pack
Gepost 26 november 2012 - 11:33
Rlast here!
I've just started work on a police equipment pack for Emergency 4, which I'm currently texturing and working to get in to the game. As you may know, a few of these models you may have seen before, the taser being one of course! It currently includes a Nightstick, Pepper Spray, Taser and M67 grenade (unrealistic addition )!
M67 Grenade
Gepost 27 november 2012 - 01:13
Antelope Valley Mod Leader
*Actively looking for help on this mod if interested pm me with your skills*
Gepost 27 november 2012 - 02:20
Signature Removed due to size
Gepost 27 november 2012 - 11:32
Joseph - Handsup!
Emergency Services Enthusiast
Staffordshire Police Cadet
Gepost 27 november 2012 - 02:33
Also Supporting: RCMP mod, Stillwater mod, Lampard mod, Ravenna sub-mod, Rockport mod.
State & National Park enthusiast can help modders in park related issues.
My statements in no way respect the views of any agency I am or was formerly associated with.
Gepost 27 november 2012 - 05:11
Looks good. Will these be compatible with all the mods for EM4?
I'm not sure at the moment, but when they're all working in-game and have been transferred to v3o format I can give you a definitive answer! I do believe that, with the help of some scripts for the taser, and the editing of some scripts for the pepper spray, they should be able to work in-game with most modifications. That said, however, there could be unforeseen issues, such as scaling or applying the prop models to the personnel properly.
Let's all hope that they work though!
Gepost 27 november 2012 - 10:08
Gepost 29 november 2012 - 06:02
Gepost 29 november 2012 - 02:18
As for the issue with them working, each one brings up questions of its own:
Pepper Spray could work with an added command, and possibly a new particle too, you activate it on a person, then they get stunned for a short period of time. I see no reason why this couldn't work with the proper scripting. The worst part I would imagine would be making a new animation should there not be one that works already.
Nightstick: Again, fairly easy, and potentially one of the easiest addons in the game. I would imagine it'd work as a weapon to beat people down faster. You'd just simply write this as a script like the others, where the officer gets it, then he/she has it and can take someone out in 3 seconds instead of 5, while getting the same damage. I'd imagine this would be relatively easy. I haven't adjusted fight damage before, so I am merely guessing, but I'd imagine that's what would happen. Now if that wouldn't work, you could also make it so that it would increase protection from fight damage. The fights would last longer, but you'd get less hurt. I do believe there is a setting for that in the game, but I don't know if that can be changed by script, or if it has to be done through model switching. Worst case scenario, it's just something that looks cool
Grenade: I think there was already a discussion about this, and that it's possible to make work.
Tazer: Similar to the above, I can't remember how, but I think Hoppah explained it
Flashlight: Easiest ever. Make them hold the new equipment, and while they do, it activates a person light. The get script would just have them pull it off their person, and the light would come on. This would be no problem to add. I think I did it once with a gun model (I was lazy and didn't wanna make a flashlight for testing purposes)
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Gepost 30 november 2012 - 10:47
I have been having a few problems simply converting them to v3o, but that should be solved relatively easily when I have some free time to try and import them to Zmodeler again. I am using a non-registered version, which to my understanding can allow for simply importing files then exporting them as v3o?
In terms of adding them to the game all that information will be very useful, and I am of the understanding that adding objects is similar to adding vehicles. I guess placing the models on personnel acts in the same way that placing the children on a vehicle does!
I'd love to be able to release this pack as a Christmas present for all you guys, and thanks for all the help everyone has given me so far. However, got some very important exams coming up so during the weeks I've been pretty packed out
I'll try to get to work on these again, and hopefully should have some in-game screenies soonish!
Gepost 03 februari 2013 - 04:05
Use a smaller signature in future.
Gepost 19 februari 2013 - 12:50
That looks awesome, I can wait for the taser, will it be able to go on the la mod, be like a sub mod
Gepost 19 februari 2013 - 06:27
Gepost 10 maart 2013 - 06:00
Bellingham Modification Creator
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Police Equipment Pack, Equipment, Pack, Equipment Pack, Police Equipment, Police, Police Pack
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