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Montana Mod v2.1 (In Development)
Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 08:24
The Dec. 23rd version will not be multiplayer compatible, but the patched version will be.
Basically, V2.0, tomorrow's version, is going to be a beta with some issues. V2.1 is going to be the best experience.
Should be stable enough to get some good gameplay though
Rescue Squad Member
Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 08:33
Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 09:09
I was at a barn house fire last night for a newspaper and I kind of thought that this might be what the Montana Mod is going to be like. They called in mutual aid from four other agencies but really seemed like they only needed two agencies. Rural barn home was engulfed but by the time I got there it only looked like a small portion had any fire at all (probably more damage where I couldn't see.) It just reminds me of when I play EM4 and call in way more units than needed. haha
I'm too excited for this mod guys. <3
Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 10:07
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Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 10:13
will the mod be a .zip, .rar, .exe? so excited for this mod! it will be amazing!
Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 10:44
What are issues we can expect in 2.0?
For the most part:
- A few units that are missing, mostly units that aren't crucial to gameplay
- Some traffic issues, although we think this has been at least partially resolved
- Possible bugs in scripts
- Unpolished UI and sound FX
- Lack of many new freeplay events
- Some incomplete units, might be missing lights, etc
All of those things will be addressed in 2.1 patch
Rescue Squad Member
Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 11:12
Sweet stuff. Can't wait for it tomorrow!
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Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 11:29
For the most part:
- A few units that are missing, mostly units that aren't crucial to gameplay
- Some traffic issues, although we think this has been at least partially resolved
- Possible bugs in scripts
- Unpolished UI and sound FX
- Lack of many new freeplay events
- Some incomplete units, might be missing lights, etc
All of those things will be addressed in 2.1 patch
Can't wait for the 2.1 patch! Especially meaning those new freeplay events. Could you, please, mention one of them? I am dying to know that.
Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 11:42
The suspense is killing me. Can't wait for release!
Check out my YouTube Channel!
I make intros and stuffs. PM me if you'd like to request one!
"No." - Rosa Parks, 1955.
Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2014 - 11:59
CAN'T WAIT! bama, you have by far done an amazing job. If i was able to, i would pay you $4 right now.
Geschrieben 23 Dezember 2014 - 12:01
CAN'T WAIT! bama, you have by far done an amazing job. If i was able to, i would pay you $4 right now.
What an oddly specific number
Rescue Squad Member
Geschrieben 23 Dezember 2014 - 12:02
Well I would pay you $4.03What an oddly specific number
Geschrieben 23 Dezember 2014 - 12:11
Can you confirm the following details ?
Montana Mod 2.0
ETA:December 23,2014 12:00:00 AM
Download Server: Mega, Emergency-Planet
Geschrieben 23 Dezember 2014 - 12:14
Yeah. If there was some possibility to donate and it would help to bring even better modification, why not. I would definitely donate.
Geschrieben 23 Dezember 2014 - 12:27
Can you confirm the following details ?
Montana Mod 2.0
ETA:December 23,2014 12:00:00 AM
Download Server: Mega, Emergency-Planet
Everything except the 12 AM part and the EM planet part, last time I tried to upload to EM planet it wouldn't work. Will be on Mega though
Yeah. If there was some possibility to donate and it would help to bring even better modification, why not. I would definitely donate.
Might do something like that for my next project
Rescue Squad Member
Geschrieben 23 Dezember 2014 - 12:39
There's gonna be a next project?!
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Geschrieben 23 Dezember 2014 - 12:48
I've been following this thread for a while now and am extremely excited for this modification. Living in Wyoming and going through Beaverhead County multiple times on the way to my relatives, it's cool to see and experience something like this. Bama1234 you've done a great job so far on this mod.
Best Wishes and Happy Holidays,
Geschrieben 23 Dezember 2014 - 12:48
Glad to hear that! So not only I am dying to play Montana, now I am dying to know what is the next project, LOL!