Place your apparatuses wisely and you will never have any issues with water supply. Don’t have any hydrants nearby? Use only one hose line to extend time the tanker needs to arrive. Have a brush fire? Use chainsaws and fire extinguishers to stop the fire from spreading. Cool object nearby... Guys, be creative and strategic this is a real time strategy game.
A perfect example what makes this mod unique:
Two words for this mod....Relay...Pumping. Not having the ability to go engine to engine to ladder or just engine to engine is kinda making it hard to get a water supply. Really low amount of hydrants had me taking tankers up and down the road to unaffected hydrants to refill then I would return to the scene. If I ran a engine from the hydrant and up to another engine and then to the attack truck that would be great. The image below had me cutting down bushes to lay down a supply line to a attack engine so they could do the interior attack.
(Image removed because of size)
I personally never have any big problems fighting fires and with the patch and the gated wye and extend hose script working it will be another step easier.
There is a good balance between challenge and fun and I really enjoy playing this modification.