St John Ambulance - Get to know other cadets etc, show off your kit!
Geschrieben 24 August 2012 - 08:21
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 25 August 2012 - 12:24
The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Geschrieben 13 September 2012 - 11:08
Geschrieben 14 September 2012 - 05:30
The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Geschrieben 18 Oktober 2012 - 04:58
Oh and BARC, what's your training and insurance level? Who do you use FIrst Aid on under who's authority? Obviously you're an Army Cadet but you have a First Responder hat in your photo...
The OC-D
Was meant to say first aider, but that's what came. And just got a new backpack from Swift Paramedical Supplies, wanna see?
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 18 Oktober 2012 - 05:28
Yeah, go on then
The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Geschrieben 19 Oktober 2012 - 12:20
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Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 19 Oktober 2012 - 12:45
Scotland, the only country in the world where our national animal doesn't exist and our national flower is a weed...
Geschrieben 19 Oktober 2012 - 03:12
And actually I heard in a recent survey, most people wouldn't help if they saw someone in need, which is why for Cardiac Arrests there's adverts now saying hands only CPR (The Vinnie Jones one that weve all seen) because people thought that they had to do rescue breaths (mouth to mouth).
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 19 Oktober 2012 - 03:20
Scotland, the only country in the world where our national animal doesn't exist and our national flower is a weed...
Geschrieben 19 Oktober 2012 - 04:38
Check out my latest:
Geschrieben 19 Oktober 2012 - 06:59
@Met police: A lot of people are scared about the consequences, its reassuring that people are starting to learn
@ Ghost: They don't teach it at the majority of schools here, it normally crops up in extra cirricular things like Cadets or St John, which I think is a shame, but officially there is no age limit. Sounds like a really silly piece of legislation...what could it possibly be in aid of...?
There's currently a huge issue in St John whether Cadets (11-16) should be taught how to use an AED (Automated External Defribillator). I feel being as they are taught CPR and to manage casualties that are essentially dead, why shouldn't they be able to shock? (If they feel capable needs to be added as a qualification...)
The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Geschrieben 19 Oktober 2012 - 10:14
Student Paramedic
Geschrieben 23 Oktober 2012 - 12:24
Salesman popped up as i was leaving out (I was wearing the SDU) and offers to sell me something, i say no thanks, he then pipes up "Oh, I'm in st johns as well" thought fair enough, small world eh? Gets slightly iffy here. I ask what is his role, he explains he's a Cycle responder for my area (This is where i doubt him, As we've only just got a cycle responder unit and yours truly is in training) but i go along with it.
"I've delivered babies, it's amazing" cool i thought, Amazing feeling that. The next part worried me slightly, "You seen many dead people" thankfully, In SJA, I have not, so i explained that. He then comes back with "oh shame, I've seen loads mate, f** loads". Now this guy is either a class A Bullshooter, or a very bad medic
He asks my role, So i explain I'm a youth leader and run our local cadet division. He then asks what cadets are.... thought ok, Not everyone knows about our youth side of the organisation...
So i've come to the conclusion salesmen will try anything to get a sale.
Anyways, Our region has finally realised it has members, so tomorrow night, I get to meet my line manager for the first time. Yay...
Geschrieben 23 Oktober 2012 - 12:01
Good luck, make sure to bombard them with questions...let them know that the members are what matters
I've just submitted an SDU order form, fingers crossed...
The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Geschrieben 23 Oktober 2012 - 03:08
I'll also be bringing up a complaint regarding ID's. Mine went through the wash about 4 months ago, and only just shows my name, Yet each time i as for a replacement, nothing gets done. So yes, Getting to meet the big chiefs and express my thoughts.
As for SDU, goodluck with it, I'm already fighting for a new pair of trousers, As my 1 pair are falling apart.
Also, with the introduction of SDU, there's a parker jacket (not hi-vis) that none of the units are allowed to order, As they're too expensive, so we have just the normal fleecy reversible jacket (can be seen a few pages back) and we're told this is our new hi-vis.
It has *NO* reflective on it. All hi-vis jackets will be banned from use.
But... Isn't a Hi-Vis jacket part of our PPE? I've worked out on the road where a hi-vis was vital, At LARGE events, with mass crowds, wearing a black jacket won't cut it. For me to be identifiable in an incident where i needed to be located by staff else where, or by members of the public, a Hi-Vis enables people to see that you're there for a reason, Not just another member of the crowd.
Anyways, saving my rant for later on
Geschrieben 23 Oktober 2012 - 05:29
Sounds like they're cocking things up...again.
The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Geschrieben 23 Oktober 2012 - 10:32
Anyways, they've really screwed things up by going regional, Rank structure review isn't being taken seriously, The wrong people are in the wrong places, They've "made it easier for members to join" then went on to list 15 stages to the joining process... No wonder members are leaving or not even bothering to see the joining process though.
As for the Hi-Vis, If i deem it necessary to have it as part of my own dynamic risk assessment, I'll be more than happy to take it up with the high ups that don't bother to turn up to duties and explain to them how much i would be suing them should i have an accident because i wasn't seen because they denied my PPE. Then see where their new rules on banning them are.
Geschrieben 24 Oktober 2012 - 12:05
Now with that salesman, I don't know how it is in Europe, but most places here it's illegal to identify yourself as a medical responder if you're not. People are like, oh I'm a doctor, I'm a paramedic whatever, if they don't look it, I demand proof. Not always demand, but I ask it.
Finally, with uniforms, here they have laws requiring medical responders, really all first responders to have some sort of reflective material. Most even have like the square inches or area for reflective per height. At the very least, if you're not yellow, you're in a big, bright red jacket, so they know you're a medic at least. Plus what are they going to do? Fire you for wearing stripes? Let's see how far that'd get in court
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Geschrieben 24 Oktober 2012 - 12:05
Hi-Vis are a British H+S requirement, St John cannot do away with them for good. I think what SJA want is for members to not wear them near constantly, something I agree with but I think they've been crap in communicating that hence why people think they're banned...
EDIT for NFK's post:
I completely agree with you on the point of stepping in, people would rather it wasn't their problem.
Its not illegal here, especially as St John is a voluntary organisation - but its a bloody low step to go to...
Our new uniforms to seem to include at least stripes of partial reflective material but for working around vehicles, in crowds or at night, we need proper Hi-Vis with Medical Green shoulders and chequered banding. Its not that people won't identify us as medics in the new uniform but its just a question of visibility.
The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Ambulance, St, John, Emergency, kit, uniform
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