Emergency Unit Pictures
Gepost 26 mei 2007 - 11:40
i tought of something called "Rescue Fotos" or "Rescue Pictures", does someone have suggesions for the name of the site?
EDIT: Some more info.
The site will have some functions here an overview op the functions
-Category by country, ...
- Rate images
- Image of the month
- Possibility to print a calendar for a year by selecting the images you want
- The uploaders will keep his copyright, the site will only make sure nobody steals your copyright and reposts them under your name
Gepost 27 mei 2007 - 12:37

Pleasant Rescue 1

Gepost 27 mei 2007 - 10:09
I'm curently working on a new site, this site should host pictures & information of all rescue vehicles arround the world.
Does it sound interesting?
Hell yah! I can't wait. :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Well hope more here are interested in the concept.
i tought of something called "Rescue Fotos" or "Rescue Pictures", does someone have suggesions for the name of the site?
Since your inlcuding pictures of police vehicles maybe you'd better call it Emergency services vehicles or something. Cause the police don't do the actual rescue work, they 'serve and protect'.
So maybe "worldwide emergency vehicles" or "emergency vehicles of the world" or something like that.
greetz,PyroThijs, (Moderator/FAQ author)
See something that doesn't belong? Report it, don't take matters into your own hands.
Gepost 27 mei 2007 - 10:36
Gepost 27 mei 2007 - 10:45
EDIT: I'm curently working on some beta, ill present you the concept and you guys can decide if you want to put your pics there

Gepost 28 mei 2007 - 01:01
Sounds great Stan! Would you like to check out my website? if you do please comment, I only have one comment so far. Thanks and I hope that this website is a great success.I'm curently working on a new site, this site should host pictures & information of all rescue vehicles arround the world.
I tought it like this:
Upload a picture
When someone opens the picture, he will see the picture, with under that one, a table, in that table will be:
- Author (Name)
- Date taken (If available)
- Some specifications about the vehicle, like equipments etc
Does it sound interesting?
Gepost 28 mei 2007 - 05:07
sounds like a good idea
Gepost 29 mei 2007 - 10:40

Gepost 30 mei 2007 - 02:05
I'm still doing some work, but the big base of the site will work, you need to register to upload pictures.
The pictures MUST be taken by you
Photographer MUST be your real name
Gepost 30 mei 2007 - 07:07

The Tas from FD Hemiken

The Tas 75.34 from FD Huijbergen

The Tas 42 31 from FD Sint-Philipsland

Two "Old Timers"

Gepost 30 mei 2007 - 10:31
Gepost 31 mei 2007 - 08:48
I've got a picture from the Lifeliner 4 rescue helikopter!
But I don't no of he is to big, so wat shall I do?
Post in a attecmant or mat.
PS: that picture is now exactly a year ago shotted!
PPS: it's on the roof of the UMCG hospital on the lifeliner 4 dec.
Gepost 31 mei 2007 - 08:53
Hello Stan!
I've got a picture from the Lifeliner 4 rescue helikopter!
But I don't no of he is to big, so wat shall I do?
Post in a attecmant or mat.
PS: that picture is now exactly a year ago shotted!
PPS: it's on the roof of the UMCG hospital on the lifeliner 4 dec.
You go tot he site, register go to the categorie => Netherland => Groningen and thetre you'll click on the "upload" button
If the picture is too big the site will tell you

@em4freak i cant do all in 1 time, usa had so many states, i'll addition canada now
Gepost 31 mei 2007 - 07:11
Ive got a question, where is yourn rescue helicopter from? So i can addition it ti the right category
It's an reserve helicopter it doesn't have an standard place. (sorry for my bad english but i'm from The Netherlands

Gepost 02 juni 2007 - 06:25
Also upadted preserved police and St Johns Ambulance
