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[WIP] THE RED WATCH aka RCMP mod (in SLOW progress)

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#3401 TacticalRooster22


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Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2012 - 06:22

Maybe a few modelling tweaks to the grill...looks kinda flat. I love the lightbar though; looks just like a LaFrance!


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#3402 C.F.D


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Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2012 - 07:51

Nice but it looks like i needs a little bit texturing

Like what? Because this texture is as authentic as it can get based on the 2000 model package ( old school, less decals and strobe/ halogen flasher lights)

Looks perfect to me, other than the weirdness of the grill texture, which is not that bad, but good enough! Good job, Todd.



#3403 RCMPDude1337



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Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2012 - 07:54

I think it looks awesome!


#3404 FDNY Engine 321

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Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2012 - 08:03

Like what? Because this texture is as authentic as it can get based on the 2000 model package ( old school, less decals and strobe/ halogen flasher lights)

Looks perfect to me, other than the weirdness of the grill texture, which is not that bad, but good enough! Good job, Todd.

no i ment the grill needed texturing but its real nice otherwise..
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#3405 squamishfire


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 01:48

If you look at a 2000, or a 2004 there is a huge difference in the grill pattern on it (I have provided pictures below). If you look at the picture of E12 you will see that it is nearly the same as a 1998 verison of the actual unit.

I wouldn't change a thing.

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#3406 goog


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 02:02

I will model the grill and it will give it more depth than just the picture of the grill,that will improve the looks.Mine is a 1998,I think I got the Surrey and North Vancouver rigs mixed up...both will be included but the latter will be more modern in lighting.

EDIT-the whole grill with sides is modeled with depth now and looks good at all angles now.I also used a better picture,not as dark.
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#3407 Semper Fidelis

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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 12:35

Good job Goog! By the way happy new year for all! :cheers:

Geposte afbeelding

#3408 Fred03


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 03:30

Looks great, keep up the good work.

Also Supporting: RCMP mod, Stillwater mod, Lampard mod, Ravenna sub-mod,  Rockport mod.


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#3409 ENG343INE


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 05:47

awsome ALF rig


#3410 TacticalRooster22


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 07:52

Much better!


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#3411 Dyson


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 07:55

I will model the grill and it will give it more depth than just the picture of the grill,that will improve the looks.Mine is a 1998,I think I got the Surrey and North Vancouver rigs mixed up...both will be included but the latter will be more modern in lighting.

EDIT-the whole grill with sides is modeled with depth now and looks good at all angles now.I also used a better picture,not as dark.

Looks great, might I suggest gradient on the windows? I think for such a good texture the windows don't hold up to the rest of the quality, if that makes sense?


#3412 goog


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 08:16

First of all thanks for the compliments guys... and I agree there is very little separation from the window colour and the black base around it.I'll give her a go and see what it looks like.

EDIT-New window texture added. Thanks Dyson for the suggestion it does look better!
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#3413 EmergencyFan97


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 10:44

Looks much better now!
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#3414 FInn Rescue 12

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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 11:48

Super! I wish I had your attention to detail Goog! It takes discipline good work as always.

Whats up!  















#3415 RCMPDude1337



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Geschrieben 02 Januar 2013 - 01:04

Looks amazing!


#3416 TacticalRooster22


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Geschrieben 02 Januar 2013 - 05:21

I do like that a lot...Looks better than the plain black.


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#3417 Radar



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Geschrieben 05 Januar 2013 - 06:49

Hey guys,

Just signed up to the site so I could show my support for your fine work. Can't wait to be able to play with these Lower Mainland Units.


#3418 heyjoojoo


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Geschrieben 07 Januar 2013 - 02:23

Gosh, still not released yet?

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#3419 RCMPDude1337



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Geschrieben 07 Januar 2013 - 03:15

They want it to be perfect before they release it, and I am willing to wait as long as it takes, even if it takes another 2 years!


#3420 goog


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Geschrieben 07 Januar 2013 - 04:04

Gosh, still not released yet?

Gosh, I keep thinking that I'm gonna open this page and see that this mod has been released.... geeze

Thought of the day...

I will not work any faster no matter how many times you say "Gosh" or "Geeze" or even if you hold your breath and throw a temper tantrum.
We're not like Rockstar Games where we all work 24/7 round the clock on this game,this is done in our spare time when our other lives permit that we may spend time on it.(last time I checked It's still not a paid JOB!!)

EDIT: look at the posts that are above and below yours,it's great to have TRUE fans like that ,which I'm glad to say that most if not all of our followers are.
