The like button is disabled for normal members, only staff can use it. It would probably get used for too much if it was active.
I can't use it either.
- MikeyPI and randomperson139 like this
Posted by
on 02 December 2014 - 09:39 PM
The like button is disabled for normal members, only staff can use it. It would probably get used for too much if it was active.
I can't use it either.
Posted by
on 15 January 2016 - 10:13 PM
Yes, I have been waiting for a while ( 2 weeks ) for my account to be validated! Let's hope this will solve the issue.
Posted by
on 11 October 2015 - 05:55 PM
For mods that are in a .rar file, you did it correct for installing it, you ONLY use the modinstaller included in the EM4 Directory if the mod is a .em4mod filetype, as that's the reason it was made. I would recommend to make sure your current drivers, here is for your GPU if you have AMD/ATI processing unit, You have a octa-core processor, not a quad-core but here's a link for your intel CPU to be updated, incase you haven't, Beyond others, I'l leave the files to be read by someone who can understand them more than me, as I can only read driver information
Posted by
on 27 September 2015 - 02:04 AM
Assuming you mean your modinstaller is giving that it's installed improperly, probably because you have 911:FR from Amazon or something, I'll include a fix in the spoiler below, due to the amount of lines so that it saves someone time to reply. BUT keep in mind, this isn't a definite issue, as I have had my installer fix for awhile now, but since it's saying all those are corrupted, I sense it's the installer/your EM4 itself
Posted by
on 15 June 2015 - 05:31 AM
More pics. No, this doesnt change anything of what I said. Its to set an example of what can be done if one puts their heart and soul into vehicles and takes the necessary effort and time to learn skills beyond skinning.
Original model by Hoppah, heavilly reworked by me. Skin by Reaper, lights by Flnn Rescue and me.
Dodge Ram model by Ubisoft, reworked to Em4 by me. Rear part by Hoppah with major edits by me. Skin by EmergencyFan6299. Lightbar is mine. Lights also done by me.
Original model by Hoppah, heavilly reworked by me. Skin by Reaper, lights by Flnn Rescue and me. Assistance provided by MikeyPI.
And that is how you credit. And to think, these aren't even gonna be released.
Posted by
on 08 June 2015 - 05:27 PM
Posted by
on 16 February 2015 - 10:44 PM
47 different police vehicles!!!!! Can't wait to play this mod.
Unmarked Crown Vics in every color you can imagine. From gay purple, puke green to picachu yellow.
Posted by
on 19 June 2014 - 07:13 PM
Dear Community,
Sixteen Tons Entertainment launched their new "Emergency" Facebook page. There's not a lot of info on the page yet but we expect it to be filled with more info's soon.
take a look yourself:
Posted by
on 29 May 2014 - 05:34 AM
Posted by
on 18 May 2014 - 01:59 AM
it means that your game is not complete/installing correctly, if that is the case then your issues with wherever you got it from warrant them replacing it.
Posted by
on 18 May 2014 - 01:08 AM
Posted by
on 27 April 2014 - 05:20 PM
M4 or G36's, we're a nato lot.
Posted by
on 22 March 2014 - 08:01 PM
Ok heres the fact:
Aint a fact, it's your opinion.
I have to step in here. I do think that cops didn't make that model by himself either, but on the other side I have no direct proof that supports the claim, mine is merely circumstantial. My reasoning is that his model looks overly complicated for a game like Emergency 4. It's more suitable for a game like NFS or GTA. In this case, the Ford Crown Victoria in this image looks like cops' model. However, the Crown Vic is a very popular model. With 100's of different Crown Vic models made by different experienced moddelers, I'm sure there is a chance models will share similarities. Since I do not have the time (nor the obligation) to start a full investigation, that's where my claim will end for now. Anyway, instead of putting effort to support your claim you decided to insult people. Glad it made your week though.
You're making some serious accusations towards both cops ánd this forum and you're not even showing any material that supports your claim. Your report mentioned a website that doesn't exist and you showed no other material to support it whatsoever. Kinda sounds like a punishment without trial, right? I personally know what it feels like to be wrongfully accused of stealing. I once made a Eurocopter EC-135 and was accused in nearly the same way. It felt like harassment. I HAD to prove that the helicopter was made by me, which I did. It's just very frustrating to deal with this, since I didn't do anything wrong. Indirectly, my reputation took a hit too.
In regards to calling this forum embarassing, you're crossing the line there in my opinion. This forum is growing and we cannot keep everyone in control. No forum can. You may be right in your thought that a lot of people are stealing or not crediting authors of taken models, but we're trying to intervene whenever we can. However, we -the admins and moderators- are not responsible for the actions of each individual who's jacking shit from others. We cannot be held accountable. Therefore, claiming this forum is embarrasing feels like a personal (Stan, me and some others build it up from the beginning) insult and I'm going to give you a warning for this. Leave out the comments, provoking and making insults is unnecessary.
So this is what we're going to do:
1. The next time you or anyone else want to accuse someone of stealing (or copyright infringement), I'd like you to support your accusation with at least screenshots of the original model and -when necessary- contact details of the author who you think originally made it. In this case schaefft is not a member of this forum, so it's kinda hard for us to start a full investigation because we'd need his cooperation.
2. In case provided screenshots do show a lot of similarities, we will ask the accused to provide proof too. If he's not cooperative, we will have to wait until the model is released unfortunately. In the mean time we can try to contact the creator who may have originally built it. If he's not cooperative as well, there isn't even a problem at all. The accused cannot be prosecuted if charges aren't pressed by the original author. In the end the only thing we -as a forum- can do at best, is blocking peoples' access to this forum by banning their IP's, which isn't really useful.
3. Under any circumstances, we try to remain polite, do not instigate and keep communication at a professional level. At that point you started crossing the line and started to harass someone and making a scene over a model that's been made so many times that you cannot prove your claim in any way without having access to both models.
Oh and you're free to join any other forum and/or to leave this one. I'm sure they are all saints everywhere else but here. And last but not least, thanks for making my weekend too.
Feel free to respond.
Posted by
on 12 November 2013 - 01:28 AM
Thanks for picking this up in a professional way. I appreciate it. I kinda agree with you Dyson, it does seem it was blown out of proportion, but I was dead serious in my post as well. I wasn't angry to begin with, just a little disappointed. The only thing I wanted, was to resolve this in a professional way and I'm glad to see this has been sorted out so fast. The first reactions from users after my big post weren't thát immature, but written emotions due to the tone in my big post. I didn't turn evil, although the post may have sounded like that. As an admin of this forum, I'm kinda obliged to make sure people follow the terms of Emergency-Planet and the law on this forum, so after finding this out I had to do something about it. If I wouldn't, Emergency-Planet would've lost some credibility as a reliable place for mod-creators to meet, no matter what kind of intentions distributers have. When copyright protected work is released, it has to be credited.
@ rafaelmfernandez: the readme looks good. That's about the way I was hoping it would look like.
The mod will be a bit smaller of course, but those models were only a fraction of the models in the entire mod, so it won't be alot probably.
Keep up the good work.
Posted by
on 18 June 2013 - 10:00 PM
Was it just me that blew up the whole city when i got the Abraham?
Posted by
on 22 April 2013 - 09:06 PM
Posted by
on 14 December 2012 - 11:25 PM
Posted by
on 14 July 2012 - 01:41 AM
Just voicing my opinion here-
I think the units look great and it's awesome how you keep adding new ones/editing the current ones but can you please try to focus on finishing the mod? Because alot of us here have been WAITING and WAITING and it seems you have enough units already. You can add more units after anyways...
Posted by
on 10 March 2012 - 05:18 AM
(Voodoo's note: Well, frankly, all of FF12MorganH's posts in this topic so far deserve to be in this quote, but it would be too long, both in terms of the time needed for me to assemble the quotes here, and in terms of the final length of these quotes as a post.)
Posted by
on 17 July 2010 - 04:00 PM
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